美国人每年都有一个为期两周的带薪假期(paid vacation)。
对美国人来说,户外(outdoor)假期是很受欢迎的,比如去大峡谷(Grand Canyon)游玩。年轻人经常会在山区徒步旅行(hiking)或野营(camping)。
另一种比较普遍(common)的休假方式是拜访朋友(visiting friends)。
孩子们暑假会去夏令营(summer camp)。在度假营地,他们可以开展很多活动,比如体育运动和手工艺(handicraft)活动。
当美国人需要一个消遣放松的假期时,他们通常会去弗罗里达州(Florida)、夏威夷(Hawaii)或墨西哥(Mexico)。他们还喜欢去领略欧洲文化(European culture),比如看艺术展(art exhibition)或参观名胜(places of interest)古迹(historic sites)。
Workers in the United States generally receive far fewer vacation days per year than workers in most other western countries. In general, mainland European countries such as Sweden, Denmark and France tend to give their workers the most leave (perhaps around 30 days per year). Countries such as the United Kingdom and Japan average around 20 days, but the United States averages as little as 12 days or fewer. Studies have also shown that American workers work longer hours than workers in Europe or China.
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