2009 US News
1.University of Maryland- College Park
2.University at Albany- SUNY
3.University of Cincinnati
4.University of Missouri- St. Louis
5.Pennsylvania State University- University Park
6.University of California- Irvine
7.Florida State University
8.Michigan State University
9.Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey- Newark
10.CUNY- John Jay College
1.工作于美国财政部,管理局代理人(ATF agents):就藏有及售卖酒精,烟草和枪支等问题实施和执行美国的法律。薪酬范围$25,000-$50,000
2.法警人员(Bailiffs): 确保法庭安全,平均薪金$35,000。
3.中央情报局特工(CIA agents):薪酬范围$30,000-$60,000
4.美国海岸警卫队(U.S. Coast Guard):薪酬范围$42,000-$85,000
5.督察人员(Compliance officers):they enforce and implement rules in all areas of the public and private sector, including environmental organizations and workers’ rights. 薪酬范围$41,729-$70,000
6.计算机犯罪(Computer forensics):比如计算机网络安全咨询师,平均可赚$85,000-$120,000. Different academic programs and professional certifications that can give you the experience you need to apply for a position in this field. You may need to design your own college program, mixing and combining various training courses and specialty internships.
8.法院书记员(court clerk):起薪$27,300
9.法院记者(court reporter):薪酬范围$20,000-$50,000。You may enroll in court reporting school or in a court reporting program at a community college.
10.犯罪现场调查(Crime scene investigators):薪酬范围:$20,000 - $50,000.
11.Criminalist:识别,比较,分析和解释的实物证据。薪酬范围:$35,000 - $50,000
12.犯罪学家(Criminologists):犯罪学家研究犯罪和刑事法。他们分析犯罪行为模式和刑事法律,并提供理论解释为犯罪和犯罪行为。薪酬范围:$38,000 - $80,000
13.美国毒品管制员(DEA agent):薪酬范围:$35,000 - $50,000
14.海关代理(Customs agents):海关检查人员,薪酬范围:$28,349 - $45,648
16.法医心理学(forensic psychologists):Once you graduate, you can take a licensing test or certification test to become a psychologist. 起薪$53,000
17.移民局代理(INS agents, or ICE agents):必须是美国公民,在美国居住5年以上,年龄40岁以下。薪酬范围:$47,791- $61,671.
18.特情处(Secret service agents):美国政府、国土安全部任职,必须美国公民。
University of Maryland- College Park
2009 U.S.News Criminology排名第1位;
2009 U.S.News美国大学综合排名第53位
学校所在地:马里兰州(MD),大学城市(College Park)
马里兰大学帕克分校,University of Maryland College Park,是马里兰大学系统的旗舰学校,前身马里兰农业学院成立于1856年,1916年成为州立学校,1988年改为现在的名字。学校不但地理位置好,环境优良,在学术声望上也有全美前50的排名。作为一所大型的研究型大学,马里兰大学有一流的教授和研究实力,不同学科的学生都有很多机会参与到研究中。
Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice,College of Behavioral and Social Sciences
CCJS100 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CCJS105 Introduction to Criminology
CCJS200 (PermReq) Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice
CCJS230 (PermReq) Criminal Law in Action
CCJS234 Law of Criminal Investigation
CCJS300 (PermReq) Criminological and Criminal Justice Research Methods
CCJS320 (PermReq) Introduction to Criminalistics
CCJS330 (PermReq) Contemporary Criminological Issues
CCJS331 Contemporary Legal Policy Issues
CCJS340 (PermReq) Concepts of Law Enforcement Administration
CCJS350 (PermReq) Juvenile Delinquency
CCJS352 (PermReq) Drugs and Crime
CCJS359 (PermReq) Field Training in Criminology and Corrections
CCJS360 (PermReq) Victimology
CCJS386 (PermReq) Experiential Learning
CCJS400 Criminal Courts
CCJS432 (PermReq) Law of Corrections
CCJS451 (PermReq) Crime and Delinquency Prevention
CCJS452 (PermReq) Treatment of Criminals and Delinquents
CCJS454 (PermReq) Contemporary Criminological Theory
CCJS457 Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice
CCJS461 Psychology of Criminal Behavior
CCJS498O (PermReq) Selected Topics in Criminology and Criminal Justice: Overview of Federal Law Enforcement Agencies
CCJS498S Selected Topics in Criminology and Criminal Justice: Security Administration
CCJS601 Policing
CCJS605 Program Evaluation for Criminal Justice
CCJS611 Statistical Tools for Criminal Justice
CCJS612 Applied Data Analysis in Criminal Justice
CCJS620 Fundamentals of Criminological Research
CCJS661 Crime and the Life Course
CCJS662 Psychology of Crime and Justice
CCJS710 Advanced Research Methods in Criminology