When you go to a college or high school sports event, you see cheerleaders.Cheerleaders are male and female students dressed in the colours of their team.They jump and dance in front of the crowd and shout the name of their team.Their job is to excite the crowd.
The first cheerleader was a man.In 1898,Johnny Campbell jumped in front of the crowd at the University of Minnesota and shouted for his team.He shouted,"Hoo-rah Minn-e-so-tah!"
This was the first organized shout,or"yell."For the next thirty-two years cheerleaders were men only.Women were not cheerleaders until 1930.
Today cheerleaders work in teams.They practice special shouts,dances,and athletic shows.Often the women work separately from the men.But cheerleaders are most exciting when men and women work together.The men throw the women high in the air and catch them.The team members climb on each other's shoulders to make a human pyramid.They yell and dance too.It is like human fireworks.
Cheerleaders now have their own contests.Every year there are local,state,nd national contests for cheerleaders.The teams make new,faster,and more exciting shows to be the best.
cheerleader 啦啦队员
athletic 运动的
pyramid 金字塔
contest 比赛
第一个啦啦队员是男性。1898年,约翰尼坎贝尔在明尼苏达大学观看比赛时,跳到观众前面为自己的队伍呐喊。他大叫:“Hoo-rah Minn-e-so-tah!”这是第一个有组织的呐喊或欢呼。在后来的32年中啦啦队员一直是男性。直到1930年,女性才开始成为啦啦队员。
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