本科生 | TOEFL80.00 | IELTS6.00 | SAT0.00 |
ACT0.00 | A-LEVEL0.00 | GPA0.00 |
高中 | TOEFL | SSAT | SLEP |
罗汉普顿大学由四所有着300多年历史的学院于2004年组成。罗汉普顿是一所独具特色的大学。它虽然仅距离离伦敦市中心8公里,但却坐落在一片美丽的绿野之上,巧妙地将田园风光和毗邻伦敦这两种优势结合在一起。大学的两个校区都在罗汉普顿路(Roehampton Lane)上。两个校区相距不远,教学楼、学生宿舍、咖啡厅、娱乐场所和体育活动设施都设置在校园里。罗汉普顿学院现有八千名学生在此攻读本科和研究生学位,其中600名为国际学生。
Professor Paul O'Prey, Vice-Chancellor
除了自设的大学与课程奖学金外,学校还为硕士生设有卢姆利奖学金(Lumley Scholarship),金额相当于50%的学费来自以下国家的学生可以申请国家奖学金:中国、印度、日本、韩国、马来西亚、挪威、新加坡、台湾、泰国、土耳其、美国和越南。
Roehampton is one of the newest universities in the UK, having been established in 2004. At the same time, through our four Colleges which have come together to found the University, we have a proud and distinguished history dating back to the 1840s, particularly in the field of Childhood Studies and Education. Our Colleges were also among the first colleges of higher education in the country to admit women. That tradition of commitment to equality continues to be part of the ethos of Roehampton, which has one of the most diverse communities of students in the UK.
Today the University has a broad range of expertise across the arts and humanities, social sciences and the human and life sciences, at the same time as maintaining its historic strength in education. Studying these subjects at Roehampton means that students acquire the essential skills they need to develop successful careers in a complex and fast changing world. In an era of globalisation, studying in a community that consists of over 110 different nationalities prepares them to do business with people from around the world. And because our students are taught directly by academics with national and international reputations for their research, they learn in an environment that is rich in creativity and new ideas.
Roehampton is a small, friendly, collegiate community where students can live, learn and socialise together on a beautiful and historic campus in southwest London. We offer a range of excellent facilities as well as easy access to the world-class museums, libraries and galleries of one of the most exciting and successful cities in the world.