


 本文来自雅思口语网liuxue86.com《2005雅思写作备战指南(下)》。 三)Progress and development 进步和发展
a)Globalization and modernization
(例:Individual ethnic cultures are a barrier to multiculturalism. To what extent do you agree or disagree.)
b)Commercialization and materialism
(例:Advertising is an integral part of modern life. Do you think the positive effects outweigh the negative?)

四)Mass media 大众传媒
a)Positive and negative effects of the various forms of mass media (e.g. the Internet, television, film etc.)
(例:The mass media plays an important role in our lives. This is a negative development in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree.)
b)Roles and influences of the various forms of mass media
(例:Discuss whether the international media brings more benefits or shortcomings to local culture.)

五)Environmental issues 环境论题
a)Causes and solutions to specific environmental problems.
(例:Water scarcity is a serious environmental problem. Analyze the causes and suggest feasible solutions.)
b)International perspectives on environmental problems
(例:Environmental problems are not restricted to individuals or countries. What are the advantages and disadvantages of instituting international laws?)

进一步地细致观察2004年考过的作文题目就会发现更加明显的出题趋势。在2004年初看到的话多问题都和犯罪率、科技相关。 同时关于环境和大众传媒的问题只是偶尔出现。2004下半年,话题的集中在了教育和就业上。事实上,九月份以后出现的三分之二以上的话题在某种程度来说都和教育相关。剩下的就是关于全球化和商业化(特别是广告业)的话题了。因此,我们可预测到在2005年初将会看到更多关于教育的话题。而且,我相信话题将会重点转换到发展和大众传媒上。这种推断是基于过去每四个月对话题转换的趋势得来的。