Are We Ready for Another Tsunami?
Tsunami n.海啸
high-rises n.高楼(注意前面用的是tall buildings)
temblor n.地震
holocaust n.大屠杀
universal time n.(=Greenwich Time)世界时间,格林尼治(平均)时
extensive 这里注意原文中“the most extensive tsunami warning system around”我们在写作的时候也可以这样用最大的什么机构组织。
tremor n.震动, 颤动
bulletin n.公告
evacuate v.疏散, 撤出, 排泄
fiasco n. 大惨败
dialects n.方言
ArticleWednesday‘s massive earthquake near Indonesia was distressingly similar to the one that killed over 220,000 people in December of 2004. Both happened off the coast of Sumatra and put at least a dozen other countries at risk of tsunami. Yesterday’s magnitude-8.4 quake was smaller than the 9.1 of 2004, but only slightly. Tall buildings swayed in Jakarta, and some high-rises were evacuated in Singapore. And less than 24 hours later, the quake was followed by a second and third temblor in the same area, which brought buildings down in the coastal Indonesian city of Padang and triggered more tsunami warnings around the region.
So far, the damage appears to be much less serious than the 2004 disaster — thankfully. It’s too early to guess at a body count, but most of the destruction will probably come fro...
Doctors have long known that vitamin D is essential to good health. Get enough of it and it ensures strong bones and teeth. But a new study this week suggests an even more extraordinary benefit: a lower risk of death.
【Section One】Article
Vitamin D Lowers Risk of Death
The new paper, published in the Sept. 10 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine, is a meta-analysis of 18 previously published studies on the vitamin. None of the original experiments was specifically designed to study how vitamin D affects mortality — the trials involved conditions such as bone fractures, bone mineral density, congestive heart failure and colorectal cancer — but all of them tracked participants‘ death data. Overall, researchers found, people who took daily vitamin D supplements were 7% less likely to die during the study — from any cause — than people who didn‘t.
The study‘s authors still don‘t know exactly how the vitamin may reduce people‘s death risk, but their findings are in line with a spate of recent research linking the vitamin to a wide range of health benefits. Not only does it promote calcium absorption and bone maintenance, but vitamin D also appears to stimulate the immune system, inhibit cellular proliferation and spur cell differentiation — in turn, those processes could reduce the aggressiveness of cancer tumors or keep artery...
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It‘s no secret that exercise is key to controlling type 2 diabetes — and many doctors already urge their diabetic patients to get active. But it‘s a vague directive: How much exercise is enough? How often? And what kind? The simple answer is that any is better than none — in sum, that‘s what a new study published in the Sept. 18 issue of the journal Annals of Internal Medicine found. But it also found that not all exercise is created equal and that the combination of aerobic exercise and weight training is significantly better for controlling blood sugar than either alone.
The elegantly designed study, led by researchers at the University of Calgary and the University of Ottawa, involved 251 patients aged 39 to 70, with type 2 diabetes. The patients, none of whom were regular exercisers, were randomized to one of four groups: aerobic exercise, resistance training, a combination of both, or none. For 22 weeks, the aerobic group worked out for 45 minutes three times a week on the treadmill or stationary bicycle; the resistance-training group spent an equal amount of time on weight machines. The combination group was at the gym twice as long as the other two exercise groups, doing the full aerobic plus weight-training regimens. "We built up gradually to 45 minutes, but it‘s cert...
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No diet has ever been able to defy the laws of thermodynamics. Whether you go low carb, low fat, low this or low that, the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. Even the new "it" diet, volumetrics—which uses fancy terms such as energy density and satiety to describe why filling up on certain low-calorie, water-based foods like celery makes you less hungry—can‘t miraculously melt away fat. But new research indicates that where on your body you pack on extra kilograms may provide a clue to determining which diet will work best for you.
It is already widely accepted that even the most rigorously adhered-to diet will not produce the same results from person to person. Some of us are simply genetically predisposed to burn more calories more efficiently than others. Restricting those calories, as you do on a diet, will similarly lead to differing results. But the biggest wild card in the diet game may be how you crank out insulin.
As digestion breaks down much of what we eat into sugary, energy-rich fuel that helps keep us on the go, insulin triggers the body to store excess sugar floating around the bloodstream as fat. Insulin was particularly important in our caveman days, when we needed the energy from one meal to last...
【 Introduction】
【 Fast Reading 】
Genes Key to Future Cancer Cures
(BARCELONA, Spain) — The treatment that more cancer patients receive may one day depend on their genes.
With an increasing number of biological clues available, doctors hope they will be able to customize more patients’ treatments based on their genetic profiles .
In research presented at a meeting of the European Cancer Organization in Barcelona, experts said this week that these clues will help doctors determine not only which patients will probably develop cancer, but even those who will relapse , or be suitable for specific treatments.
"We are going to witness a revolution in cancer treatment," said Dr. Martine Piccart, head of medicine at the Institut Jules Bordet in Belgium. "In a few years, we will be able to fully demonstrate how powerful these new technologies are."
The real test, however, will be if doctors can then figure out what to do next.
"It’s never encouraging to say to a patient that she’s going to do poorly because of her genes," Piccart said. "We need to be able to offer patients an effective treatment."
Piccart and colleagues have been working to confirm the genetic sequences for women susceptible to breast cancer.
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Why Banked Blood Goes Bad
It‘s a problem that doctors have been wrestling with for several years, as study after study shows a disturbing spike in heart disease and death in patients receiving transfusions. The trend affects almost every group of critically ill patients — from trauma sufferers in the ER to heart attack victims, patients with anemia and those undergoing chemotherapy. This increase in death and heart disease, doctors say, is unrelated to infectious blood-borne diseases or allergic reactions that often follow transfusions. "After you control for sickness and all sorts of things, patients who receive transfusions still have more heart attacks. It makes no sense," says Dr. Jonathan Stamler, a professor of medicine at Duke University Medical Center.
Logically, and medically, patients who need transfusions — those with low blood counts — should benefit immediately from a transfusion of new oxygen-laden red blood cells. Yet many get sicker. Puzzled by the paradox, Stamler and his colleagues decided to look more closely at banked blood — to figure out whether it underwent certain changes that turned it from life-saving in the donor to potentially deadly in the bag.
Their finding, reported this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: nitric oxid...
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The benefits of breast-feeding are many and varied. Studies suggest that breast-fed kids are smarter, taller, thinner, healthier and less stressed than babies on bottles. Plus, breast-feeding helps moms bond with their babies and may even lower their blood pressure. So, is there anything breast milk can‘t do? Apparently, yes, according to a new study published Tuesday by BMJ Online: It doesn‘t offer infants much defense against asthma or allergies.
That‘s a question researchers have long debated. Until now, the evidence has been mixed: Some studies have suggested that exclusive, prolonged breast-feeding helps stave off asthma and allergies later in life; other studies have shown no protection, or even an increased risk. But most of the available data has come from observational studies. The new BMJ paper, in contrast, was a large, long-term randomized trial that involved more than 17,000 breast-feeding women and babies, 13,889 of whom were tracked until age 6 1/2. Researchers recruited the moms in maternity hospitals and clinics in Belarus. About half of them — those who had already begun breast-feeding — were encouraged to continue breast-feeding exclusively; the control group got no such extra urging.
Researchers report that women in the intervention group brea...
10 Questions for 50 Cent
四首超强音乐录像带全球媒体同步曝光 五角帝国版图开始勾勒
debuted n.v.初次登场, 开张
metaphor n.[修辞]隐喻, 暗喻, 比喻说话
uproar n. 喧嚣, 骚动
bulletproof adj.防弹的
slangn.俚语, 行话 v.用粗话骂, 用俚语说
fragment n.碎片, 断片, 片段
endorse v.在(票据)背面签名, 签注(文件), 认可, 签署
He was born Curtis Jackson, but he made his mark on the rap world performing under his childhood nickname. His third album, Curtis, debuted Sept. 11. 50 Cent will now take your questions
Is it Curtis or 50 Cent? —Maggie Shaw, New York City It’s 50, but the album title is Curtis. It made perfect sense for me to title it Curtis, considering my grandfather is Curtis Sr., his firstborn is Curtis Jr. and I’m his first grandchild, so my mom named me after him. I’m Curtis III, and this is my third album. 50 Cent was a name that kind of stuck. For me, it was a metaphor for change. That’s what made me utilize it when I actually started rapping.
What should we expect from your new album? —Ignacio Meza, Los Angeles
You should expect a lot of surprises. For my last two albums, I isolated myself to working with only members ...