



  Dynamic, creative and driven students from around the globe choose Ryerson. We offer an education that combines academic rigour with relevant, professional experience in a learning environment that reflects the energy, strength and spirit of Toronto. Our culturally diverse and lively campus includes students from more than 140 countries.

  The following are general admission requirements and are subject to change.

  Applicants educated outside of Ontario must submit evidence of education equivalent to the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with six Grade 12 U or M courses. Please note: Ryerson reserves the right to be the final arbiter of what will be accepted on an equivalency basis.

  It is essential that subject prerequisite requirements and grades for specific Ryerson programs form part of the academic background of applicants from outside Ontario, especially in the last two years of secondary school studies.

  Programs may specify non-academic requirements for admission (e.g. portfolio, admission essay, interview, audition, etc.). These programs are referred to as Grades-Plus programs. The specific non-academic requirements for individual Grades-Plus programs, including specific submission dates and procedures, are available by visiting each Program page. Note: for Grades-Plus programs, both academic and non-academic criteria will be used in the admission selection process.

  Proof of English Language Proficiency m...





  瑞尔森大学 www.ryerson.ca











  • 高中成绩单及在读证明

  • 会考成绩单

  • 高考报名表

  • 毕业证中英文(如已毕业)

  • 高考成绩单(如已毕业,高考成绩单需要做CDGDC认证或通过学信网CHESICC-Parchment Portal Service认证)


  • CV & 推荐信(选择性递交,可增加学生竞争力)

  • 雅思6.5分(雅思5分部分专业可以双录)

  • 护照首页复印件

  • 申请费

  注:对不满足语言要求的可以申请ESL Foundation Program(仅适用于Grades-Only Programs)http://www.ryerson.ca/undergraduate/admission/programs/esl-foundation/ ,双录申请也在OUAC上递交,代码为SFP.


  • 本科中英文成绩单及在读证明

  • 学位证中英文(如已毕业)

  • 毕业证中英文(如已毕业)


  • CV /Resume

  • 2-3封推荐信

  • Statement of Interest /Letter of Intent

  • 申请费

  • 护照首页复印件
