Young vs. Old / Children vs. Adult
很眼熟对不对?没错,这就是套到任何一个话题都能用的神百搭问题。并且可以幻化出无数个类似但不相同的问题来,比如:Do young people and old people have different attitudes towards X? What do you think young/old people should do X? Do you do X the same way when you were a child?等等等等,总而言之就是想问随着年龄的增长,对某一个事物或者行为的看法或者做法有什么样的改变。
Chinese people
大概是因为外国人自然就对中国感兴趣,很多话题里会出现What do Chinese people think of ? How do most Chinese people do X?等等冠冕堂皇的问题,这种问题宏观又抽象,情急之下非常难回答的圆满,其实不论问题是什么,都可以这么回答——There is no way for me to know each Chinese’s opinion, but personally speaking, ..., 后接自己对这个话题的观点,很巧妙地就能避开宏观,从自己的观点出发,也不怕他后续接着提问了。
Modern vs. Traditional
Pros vs. Cons
俗而烂的题目,让你议论某个行为或者物件的利弊。可以首先谈利,X certainly brings lots of benefits into the world, ...,然后一转语气谈弊, but on theother hand, X also has its drawbacks, ..., 只要体现出一个转折即可。至于内容,能简单说出一两个即可,也不需要多全面。
Past vs. Present vs. Future
这个问题其实和1和3都是能够交叉重叠反复出现的,可见出题人有多懒。应对策略也一样,有就有没有就没有,如果有就鲜明对比出来,如果没有就简单说两句为什么不会有。过去和现在都好说,对于未来就要靠大家发挥自己的想象力了,我个人觉得与其绞尽脑汁想细节,还不如直接走极端到底让考官问不出后续问题。比如我遇到过一个问题是What do you think this classroom will be ...
Going out
Musical Instrument
Video game
Indoor Games
Outdoor Activities
Water activity
Sunny Days
Newspapers and Magazines
Work & Study
Leisure Time
TV Programs
Describe a well-paid job you would like to do in the future
Describe a historical event from your country
Describe an interesting neighbour of yours
Describe an interesting apartment you visited
Describe a decision you disagree with
Describe a family member who had great impacts on you
Describe an enjoyable activity that you have done in your countryside
Describe the weather you like
Describe a newly-opened shop
Describe a quiet place
Describe food you ate in a foreign country
Describe a book that you want to read again
Describe an experience that you are not allowed to use your phone
Describe a famous person you are interested in
Describe a polite person that you met
Describe a family member that you are proud of
Describe an activity that you feel excited
Describe an experience when you spent time with a child
Describe something special that you waited for
Describe an experience on good service in a shop or a restaurant
Describe a tourist attraction
Describe a plan in your life that is not relevant with your work or study
Describe a cafe you enjoyed
Describe a popular swimming place
Describe an interesti...
1. Television
What TV programs are you interested in?
When do you watch TV?
In China, have television programs changed much in recent years?
How do you think TV programs in China could be improved?
2. Indoor Games
Do you play any indoor games?
Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?
What indoor games did you play when you were a child?
Is there any particular indoor game that you liked (when you were a child)?
What sorts of indoor games do children play now?
3. Friend
Do you have many friends?
How often do you talk to your friends?
How do you communicate with your friends?
How can people make friends in yourcountry?
4. Mirror
How often do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?
Have you ever bought mirrors?
Would you use mirrors to decorate rooms?
5. Watch
How often do you wear a watch?
What was your first watch like?
What kinds of watches do you like to wear?
Do people still wear watches in your country?
6. Housework
Do you do housework at home?
Do you think men and women should share housework?
What k...
1.Describe an old thing that you often use.
What it is
How often you use it
And explain why you often use it.
2.Describe a plan in your life that has nothing to do with your work or study
What it is
When you have the plan
Who you have told the plan to
And explain why you want to do this
3.Describe an important event in history.
What it was
When and where ithappened
Who took part in the event
And explain why youthink it was important.
4.Describe an interesting neighbour
You should say:
Who the person is
How long do you knowthe person
And explain thereason why you think the person is interesting
5.Describe an experience you spend time with a child
You should say:
when you spend time with this child
who this child was
what you did together
and how you felt about it
6.Describe an activity that you feel excited
You should say:
what it is
where you can do it
how you do it
and explain why you feel excited
7.Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future
You should say:
where you want to go
when you would like to go
where you can do for the holiday
1. What’s your favorite color?
2. Are there any colors you dislike (Why?)
3. Are colors important to you?
4. Were colors important to you when you were a child?
5. When you are buying something, is the color important to you?
6. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?
7. Is color very important to you when you are buying clothes?
8. Do you prefer light or dark (or, bright) colors?
9. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?
10. What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room?
11. Is there any color you would not want your walls to be? (Why?)
12. Do you think different types of people like different colors?
Sample answers:
1.My favorite color is blue, it is the color of depth and stability. Blue symbolizes wisdom, confidence and intelligence. And I don’t like the pink because it is too girly.
5.I suppose so. You know, different color conveys different meaning to people. Red represents passion and enthusiasm while green means energetic. So I always choose the suitable colors for things.
6.Well, yes, I have several clothes in blue, which can bring calm and tranquil feelings to me. I believe that blue is always fashionable in men’s outfit.
8.If I were to choose between the two, I&rs...
1. What’s your favorite color?
2. Are there any colors you dislike (Why?)
3. Are colors important to you?
4. Were colors important to you when you were a child?
5. When you are buying something, is the color important to you?
6. Do you usually wear clothes in your favorite color?
7. Is color very important to you when you are buying clothes?
8. Do you prefer light or dark (or, bright) colors?
9. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?
10. What color would you choose to paint the walls of your room?
11. Is there any color you would not want your walls to be? (Why?)
12. Do you think different types of people like different colors?
Sample answers:
1.My favorite color is blue, it is the color of depth and stability. Blue symbolizes wisdom, confidence and intelligence. And I don’t like the pink because it is too girly.
5.I suppose so. You know, different color conveys different meaning to people. Red represents passion and enthusiasm while green means energetic. So I always choose the suitable colors for things.
6.Well, yes, I have several clothes in blue, which can bring calm and tranquil feelings to me. I believe that blue is always fashionable in men’s outfit.
8.If I were to choose between the two, I&...
NO.354 陪伴孩子
Describe an experience you spend your time whith a child
you should say:
When you spent time with this child
Who this child was
What you did together
And how you felt about it
NO.355 兴奋活动
Describe an activity that you feel excited
You should say:
What it is
Where you can do it
How you do it
And explain why you feel excited
NO.356 未来假期
Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future
You should say:
Where you want to go
When you would like to go
What you can do for the holiday
Who you would like to go with
And explain why you want to have this holiday
NO.357 新开商店
Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown
You should say:
Where the shop is
When it opened
What it sells
And how you feel about the shop
NO.001 有趣邻居
Describe an interesting neighbor
You should say:
Who this person is
How you know this person
What this person likes to do
And explain why you think this neighbor is interesting
问:Are you working or studying?
答:I am working now.(有的烤鸭就直接回答一个单词working)
问:How do you spend your weekends?
答:I spend my weekends reading and watching TV.
问:Do you read a lot in your spare time?
答:Yes, I read a lot in my spare time.
问:Are you working or studying?
答:I am working for an advertisement company, mainly in charge of the designing group.
Do people perform differently at work in summer and winter?
问:What’s the best time of a day?
答:I do like the ………………,but I still consider that when I arrived home and my find my dog waiting for me as the best time of the day.
还想偷偷的要你晓得,雅思口语考试是有题库这么回事儿,就是有考试范围哦,看了范围之后,就会有很多技术可以帮你节省准备考试的时间~高达80%以上(对,就是雅思口语考官手里拿着的那本话题册,进来一个考生就随机翻一页的那个:D。对!存在AB版的那个,A版:part1的口语题目从work or study 这个话题开始。B版从accommodation 这个话题起头,先透漏这些,只为勾起你的兴趣)如果你不知道题库也没关系,我会用最通俗的方式解释如何去利用它。
今天我们主要是来说口语题库中的part2, 这是口语考试中的主要得分项,也是对绝大多数考生最有挑战的一个环节,因为,官方规则是:考生有1分钟时间准备,然后自己发言1~2分钟(此处阐明一件事情:在大的概率看来,只能讲上1分钟的烤鸭,最后的得分大都不怎么样。然后官方发言人又说了:建议考生可以说够两分钟,而且说到考官打断你才好,从而证明自己有足够的英语交流能力)
Describe an article that you read from a magazine or newspaper.
You should say:
What the article was
When and where you read it
What you learnt from the article
And explain why you think it is a good/bad article.
烤鸭甲的答案:这是一篇旅游攻略,因为我想在十一的时候去桂林玩,所以前几天我就在“猛牛”旅行网上查攻略,就看到这篇,作者告诉我在桂林应该怎么玩儿才能最开心,写的真好,所以这是一篇好文章。 回答完毕!
当时, 烤鸭甲并不是一气呵成的说出这些内容,中间伴随一些感叹,感慨就像:啊……,嗯……哦……甚至还有“呵呵”(可能是烤鸭甲为了避免自己冷场的尴尬,临时想出来的托词 :P)就这样,他说了足足一分钟,心想总归是满足了官方的要求了(1~2分钟)。 可能你看到这里也呵呵哒……
下面是另外一个故事,主人公烤鸭乙身经百战,从他口中得知他已经集齐7种不同颜色的考试官方用笔(此处仅为了节目效果,你只需要将烤鸭乙理解成一个越挫越勇, 在熟悉考试各种技巧之后,又奋发图强, 最终在考场上奋勇...