住house还是apartment 喜欢树么 家旁边有公园或森林么 会爬树么 小时候喜欢穿什么衣服 喜欢旅游么
interesting country
国外旅游的优缺点 出国学习或工作的优缺点 家长为什么送小孩子出国读书 对个人来说 暂时性出国和永久生活在另一个国家最大的diff是什么
p2,sth did to learn language
p3, conbination of culture, function of language
一.Part1 Name
What is your name? How should I call you? Does your name have any special meaning or significance?
二.living place/house/apartment
Part 1/Part3 Do you live in a house or a flat/apartment? What is your house/flat like? What furniture or appliances do you have in your home? which part of the apartment do you want to make a change? What kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future? Do you like the decoration in your home? Why or why not? Will you move to another house or flat in the near future? What do you think of the neighborhood where you live? How long have you lived there? How do you like it? What are your neighbors like?
三.Part 1 Personal Present Situation
Are you a student or do you have a job?
Study What kind of school do you attend? What do you like most about your studies? What is your major? Is that a very popular subject to study in your country? Is your subject very challenging (or difficult) to study? What do you do when you have a difficulty with your studies? Why did you choose ...as your major? What's more important when studying - the student or teacher?
四.Describe an interesting thing you learned from Internet
一.Part1 Name
What is your name? How should I call you? Does your name have any special meaning or significance?
二.living place/house/apartment
Part 1/Part3 Do you live in a house or a flat/apartment? What is your house/flat like? What furniture or appliances do you have in your home? which part of the apartment do you want to make a change? What kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future? Do you like the decoration in your home? Why or why not? Will you move to another house or flat in the near future? What do you think of the neighborhood where you live? How long have you lived there? How do you like it? What are your neighbors like?
三.Part 1 Personal Present Situation
Are you a student or do you have a job?
Study What kind of school do you attend? What do you like most about your studies? What is your major? Is that a very popular subject to study in your country? Is your subject very challenging (or difficult) to study? What do you do when you have a difficulty with your studies? Why did you choose ...as your major? What's more important when studying - the student or teacher?
四.Describe an interesting thing you learned from Internet
五.Part 2 Describe a car or vehicle you ...
一.Part1 Name
What is your name? How should I call you? Does your name have any special meaning or significance?
二.living place/house/apartment
Part 1/Part3 Do you live in a house or a flat/apartment? What is your house/flat like? What furniture or appliances do you have in your home? which part of the apartment do you want to make a change? What kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future? Do you like the decoration in your home? Why or why not? Will you move to another house or flat in the near future? What do you think of the neighborhood where you live? How long have you lived there? How do you like it? What are your neighbors like?
三.Part 1 Personal Present Situation
Are you a student or do you have a job?
Study What kind of school do you attend? What do you like most about your studies? What is your major? Is that a very popular subject to study in your country? Is your subject very challenging (or difficult) to study? What do you do when you have a difficulty with your studies? Why did you choose ...as your major? What's more important when studying - the student or teacher?
四.Describe an interesting thing you learned from Internet
一.Part1 Name
What is your name? How should I call you? Does your name have any special meaning or significance?
二.living place/house/apartment
Part 1/Part3 Do you live in a house or a flat/apartment? What is your house/flat like? What furniture or appliances do you have in your home? which part of the apartment do you want to make a change? What kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future? Do you like the decoration in your home? Why or why not? Will you move to another house or flat in the near future? What do you think of the neighborhood where you live? How long have you lived there? How do you like it? What are your neighbors like?
三.Part 1 Personal Present Situation
Are you a student or do you have a job?
Study What kind of school do you attend? What do you like most about your studies? What is your major? Is that a very popular subject to study in your country? Is your subject very challenging (or difficult) to study? What do you do when you have a difficulty with your studies? Why did you choose ...as your major? What's more important when studying - the student or teacher?