在考试中,同学们一直很担心一个问题,就是怕自己在写作过程中立意出现问题,万一审题出现了错误,或是出现跑题的情况就会很担心分数会不会很低。其实我个人认为同学们无需担心这个问题,因为我们考研的文章不像我们高考作文一样,要不断的审题、揣摩出题人的意图,考研的英语作文考察的是大家的“书面表达”能力。也就是说考察的是你的英语的基本功:词汇以及语法,这些内容是 大家最容易犯错的地方,至于文章的具体内容,所占的比例并不是很大。这一点也在《全国硕士研究生入学统一考试分析》得到了体现:“‘需要加以说明的是,考 试对于考生的态度’没有限制的:可以是正面的、支持、肯定的:也可以是反面、否定、反对的。只要能够按照要求完成作文写作,分数是不会因为审题而受到影响的——当然必须是在法律和道德范围内允许的。”也就是说审图只要不超出范围即可。但是仍然有同学担心这个问题那么,跨考教育英语教研室张老师可以建议同学可以仔细观察画面,细心揣摩,认真判断图画中人或物的体貌表情特征和背景,确立人物之间、人物与背景之间的主要关系,以便准确掌握图画所传达的信息,正确把握试颐所涵盖的审题立意的角度。掌握哲学中的“透过现象看本质”即可。比如,我们拿2006年的考研作文举个例子。漫画给出的是两张照片,一张照片上有一位男士脸上写着足球明星的名字,另一张照片上有一个男子在理发,他要求理发师为他设计一个小贝克汉姆的发型。很多同学看到这里,想立意为明星崇拜,当然是对的。不过,在当年,也有的高分作文立意为足球狂热,这也是对的。
As is vividly depicted in the two pictures, the relationship between parents and children has changed through time. Thirty years ago, our mothers were taking great care of us; but now, it is our turns to care for our mothers.
The aim of the portrayal is to illustrate the meaning of caring for our aged parents. In the first place, when we were young, our parents were devoting much of their time and energy to us. They poured all their love on us with little consideration of themselves. How great our parents are! Moved by this, we cannot but respect them and take care of them when they get old. In the second place, our parents become old as we grow up. With years going by, we become stronger and stronger, while our parents are no longer strong enough. Therefore, we have the obligation to look after our aging parents.
There is too much we can do for our parents. For example, we should care for our parents’ mental health as well as their physical fitness. We are obliged to stay with them as often as possible, as our parents prefer to have their children around them after they get old. Besides, we can buy presents for our parents at some big e...
As is vividly depicted in the two pictures, the relationship between parents and children has changed through time. Thirty years ago, our mothers were taking great care of us; but now, it is our turns to care for our mothers.
The aim of the portrayal is to illustrate the meaning of caring for our aged parents. In the first place, when we were young, our parents were devoting much of their time and energy to us. They poured all their love on us with little consideration of themselves. How great our parents are! Moved by this, we cannot but respect them and take care of them when they get old. In the second place, our parents become old as we grow up. With years going by, we become stronger and stronger, while our parents are no longer strong enough. Therefore, we have the obligation to look after our aging parents.
There is too much we can do for our parents. For example, we should care for our parents’ mental health as well as their physical fitness. We are obliged to stay with them as often as possible, as our parents prefer to have their children around them after they get old. Besides, we can buy presents for our parents at some big events such as their birthday...
As is vividly depicted in the two pictures, the relationship between parents and children has changed through time. Thirty years ago, our mothers were taking great care of us; but now, it is our turns to care for our mothers.
The aim of the portrayal is to illustrate the meaning of caring for our aged parents. In the first place, when we were young, our parents were devoting much of their time and energy to us. They poured all their love on us with little consideration of themselves. How great our parents are! Moved by this, we cannot but respect them and take care of them when they get old. In the second place, our parents become old as we grow up. With years going by, we become stronger and stronger, while our parents are no longer strong enough. Therefore, we have the obligation to look after our aging parents.
There is too much we can do for our parents. For example, we should care for our parents’ mental health as well as their physical fitness. We are obliged to stay with them as often as possible, as our parents prefer to have their children around them after they get old. Besides, we can buy presents for our parents at some big events such...