Task 1
What do you think is the most effective way to find a job?
I think the most effective way to find a job is though social networks. Sometimes the best job positions are not posted on the internet or in newspapers. For example, when my sister was looking for a job in the financial world, she was looking at jobs posted on several famous job hunting websites, but most of jobs she could find were basic entry jobs. My sister had already worked in the market for a couple years, so she needed a higher-level position. Then she remembered her mentor at a bank where she once had been an intern. She contacted him and asked him if he could help her. He happene...
Task 1
1.Describe something that once annoyed you. Explain why it annoyed you and your reaction toward it.
Well, talking about something that once annoyed me. I remember, it was last year that our university was renovating the trail on campus. Frankly, it was a nice thing to do since there used to be lots of mud when it rained and it was pretty messy. However, the noise produced by the construction was really annoying and lots of students including me found it hard to concentrate on our study since the trail was right behind the library. I decided to sign a petition, so I called up lots of classmates and friends, most of whom agreed with me. Afterward, we showed the petition to the university life committee, eventually, they discontinued the construction during school hours.
2. Describe a decision you made. How you made that decision?
I am going to share with you my decision making process on whether to go to study in the US or not. I dwelled upon both the advantages and disadvantages to study for graduate program in the USA. for the advant...
An environmental group is planning to organize an activity to help protect the environment. What activity do you suggest and why?
Which of the following library volunteer work would you choose? Helping people find the right material, reading to kids, or keeping bookshelf organized?
【学校通知】:因为健身馆(gym)的人数减少,决定对gym 作出两项调整。调整1:增加一些新的设施(equipment),比如自行车(bicycle)。调整2:延长gym 在晚上的开馆时间。
【学生意见】:有一个男生对新的调整很欢迎,他以前经常去,后来不去gym 了,原因是因为很多人排队等锻炼的设施,等待的时间太长,不值得去(not worth going),现在增加设施就好多了。还有很多学生白天都忙着上课(having classes)和做家庭作业(homework),他们只有晚上完成作业才能去gym,现在延长晚上的时间很好。