2017托福口语考试汇总 |
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2017年托福听力词汇汇总 |
【托福听力必考词汇】动物类词汇 |
【托福听力必考词汇】植物类词汇 |
【托福听力必考词汇】化学类词汇 |
【托福听力必考词汇】地质学词汇 |
【托福听力必考词汇】地理学词汇 |
【托福听力必考词汇】天文学词汇 |
【托福听力必考词汇】音乐类讲座词汇 |
第二点: 托福阅读试题基本语法知识要了解。托福阅读考试是一项比较全面的考察学生英语能力的内容,所以从词汇开始,一直到句子已经篇章都有对应的考题类型去考察。但是要理解句子的含义,光是词汇认识也不一定能完全搞清楚,有的时候需要通过语法知识去分析。这种语法在很多题型中有所体现。
第三点:逻辑关系词要牢记在心。托福阅读试题英语句子的理解很多时候是要去理解其逻辑关系的,常见的逻辑关系有并列(and, as well),比较(than, as….as),因果(because, so, therefore, thus, result from),递进(also, furthermore),转折(but, however, yet)等等。
With internet, we can shop online, it is a very convenient and fun way to buy stuff on-line, with just a click of the button, the next moment you know, your order is delivered right at your door.
By signing up on a social network like facebook, twitter, and wechat, which is so popular in China, you can get to know more people. By sending text messages to your friends and family members whenever you want to, I think internet has brought people closer than ever, it makes communication so instant.
Describe one of the most important inventions in recent 100 years. Explain why it is so important. Your explanation should include specific examples and details.
All I need is internet access and a computer or a tablet.
I can just type the key words in the search engine, and the next moment that I know, the answer shows up on the screen.
信息量很大:very informative;
很多的话题:on a wide range of topics
科技、历史、政治和体育:technology, history, politics and even sports;
Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Explain why.
可以说下传统书籍不好, 比如不容易找到你要研究的话题;而且必须要去图书馆, 会浪费很多时间。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The more money people have, the more they should give away to charity.
Ranging from purchasing sports cars, buying villa or traveling to a popular tourist resort, one can choose how to spend their money freely without pressure imposed from the outside. Even though how to spend the money one makes is at their discretion, I do think individuals should donate money to charities with increasing wealth. There are quite a few benefits for being philanthropic as are shown in the following paragraphs.
To begin with, one can be more happy if they reach out to others and be spiritually and mentally healthy. As known to all, human beings are social animals who need to bond and connect with others to survive and thrive. For example, if you have more money than you need to live a happy life, you can donate some of your wealth and fortune to other unfortunate ones. There are numerous orphanages out there who need daily necessity. Also by giving a hand to those who have lost their loved ones in accidents can make you aware of your fortune, thus you can be more confident. By reaching out to others though altruistic behaviors, one will feel the inner gratification, which can be not brought about by money. Plus, ...
各位考生们要想顺利通过2017年的高级会计师考试,就得多写多练哦,出国留学网小编为大家整理了2017托福优秀作文素材: 明星商人变领导,希望可以帮到广大考生,欢迎广大考生前来阅读!预祝大家2017年高级会计师考试一次性通过!
2017托福优秀作文素材: 明星商人变领导
Do you agree or disagree: Athletes or celebrities that are from the entertainment business can change their careers to be politicians.
Each person has his or her unique characteristics that are suitable to certain particular fields. If people can work in the field their interest and talents lie in, they can certainly contribute more to the society as well as the world. As Dmitri Mendeleev, the founder of periodical table, once put, “Enthusiasm is key to all success.” Thus, whoever the person is, an athlete, or a celebrity from the entertainment business, as long as they desire to divert their field, they can surely succeed with the profession change
Firstly, athletes and entertainment celebrities know more about people than the average. For politics, it is all about people and the needs of them viewed in a whole picture. Athletes and entertainment celebrities have had more chances of meeting people from all walks of life in the profession. In order to reach fame, those famous people needed to know more people and meet more people for opportunities when they were young. If they change to become a politician, they will know better about what people need who are from various kinds of background. A case in point, for businesspeople, the...
As the truth is sometimes difficult to confront, there are times when a white lie or the absence of some key facts becomes appropriate. The problem is that people have different standards for when, why and how the truth is shaped. Thesedivergences will unavoidably cause miscommunications, breakdowns of trust and other dysfunctional behaviors. That is why white lies are common under some circumstances. For example, when children receive low grades in a math examination, their parents usually encourage them by telling them that they have worked hard and what they lack is just a bit of luck. In this case, parents attempt to avoid hurting their children’s feelings and confidence by 'hiding the truth', and, in the process, they support their children in an unwavering way.
divergence 分歧、不同=disagreement, difference
✎ a wide divergence in ...
under some circumstances 在一些情况下=in some cases/situations
✎ Consulting others for advice is an effective way to find timely solutions under some circumstances.
unwavering 坚定的=firm, steady, determined
✎ an unwavering financial support from one's parents
慷慨的 generous
诚恳的 sincere
有幽默感的 humorous
坚持不懈的 persistent/perseverant
Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends your same age. 从年长的朋友处得到的建议比从同龄的朋友处得到的建议更加有价值,是否认同?(2009 年11月1日)
俗语说:姜是老的辣. 讲的的是年长者的人生智慧和生活阅历。当你遇到困境的时候,需要来自他人的建议,自然,年长的者人生智慧,生活经历,思辨头脑对于我们的指导意义更大。因为,年长者的经验可以令我们不走或者少走弯路。有趣的例证就是:大学的爱情风花雪月,男生喜欢美丽女神,女生喜欢帅气的男生, 但是,单纯的爱情被肤浅的快乐吸引,情侣们很少考虑家庭的背景,或者是两种的兴趣志向是否相同,这时候,年长朋友的建议对于未来幸福婚姻是有很重要的影响,因为,年长朋友经历过了才懂得大学美好爱情不等于未来和谐的婚姻,仅仅有爱是不能结婚的。再比如:年轻人求学的时候,可以选择海外留学或者国内读书,这时候,可能父辈们的建议和鼓励对于我们学业成功就有极其重要的指导意义,因为,很多的年轻人都是读书无意识,人生无意识。年长者的眼光通常很长远,年长者的阅历通常很丰富,因此,他们的建议是重要的。
1. get advice from sb…… = acquire suggestions from sb……= gain guidance from sb …… v 从……中获得建议 (指导)
2. A is more valuable than B = A is better than B = A is superior to B A比B更加有价值
3. friends of similar age = peers n 同龄人
4. have deeper understanding about life v对于生活有更深刻的理解
5. can help us make sound judgment v帮助我们做出合理的判断
解析:sound = reasonable adj 合理的
6. have rational mode of thinking v有更加理性的思维
解析:rational adj理性的
7. Every one of us grow up by experiencing failure or hardship, sometimes, one might feel puzzled so that he or she needs advice and guidance from others. 成长中,人人经...