下面来自出国留学网英语频道整理的BBC News:谷歌向印度总统莫迪致歉,欢迎阅读。
BBC news with Marian Marshall.
The Afghan army says at least 10 members of the Taliban have been beheaded by rival militants from the Islamic State group in the east of the country. The beheadings followed weeks of fierce fightings between the two groups. Marker Bell reports from Kabul.
"The revelations emerged in a secret memo from the Afghan army’s 201st call mistakenly sent to the media on Wednesday. The document says that the Taliban attack on government-held area in the remote action district close to the border with Pakistan was repelled by the army. Then ten fleeing insurgents were captured by Islamist State militants and beheaded. These are the first known beheadings of Taliban members by Islamic Stat...
原文 :Japan has begun construction work on a military radarstation on a Japanese Island off Taiwan in a move likelyto anger China. The new base on Yonaguni is just 150kilometers from the Japanese-held Island of the Senkaku,claimed by China as the Daoyu Island. Correspondentssay it could give Japan the ability to expand surveillanceto near the Chinese mainland. The Japanese DefenseMinister suggested his country's military presence couldbe extended to other Islands in the seas southwest ofmainland Japan.
译文 :日本已开始军用雷达站的建设部署,该雷达站位于台湾附近的日本岛屿上,此举意在激怒中国。新基地位于与那国岛,该岛距离日本控制的尖阁列岛,中国称钓鱼岛,仅150公里。通讯员表示修建新基地使日本得以扩大监控范围,更接近中国大陆。日本国防部长表示本国驻军可以扩张至日本本土西南海域的其他岛屿。