

BBC News:“东方之星”搜救工作仍在继续


  下面来自出国留学网英语频道整理的BBC News:“东方之星”搜救工作仍在继续,欢迎阅读。



  BBC Thomas Andersen


  Rescue in China are struggling to find more than 400 people who were still missing after a cruise ship sank quickly on the Yangtze River. So far, only a handful of passengers have been saved. Martin Patience , is at the river side.


  “There are dozens of police as well as soldiers,then I saw small launches going out to the accident site. Equipment was being launched out,it is almost 24 hours since this boat capsized,but the authorities say the rescue effort will continue ,we did have that miraculous rescue ,an over 65-year old woman earlier on the day ,she has been caught inside of submerged hull ,inside the air pocket,she was pulled out alive and the authorities are hoping, perhaps,just perhaps,there may still be some survivors.
