



  下文《BBC英语听力材料:泰晤士河决堤》由出国留学网英语频道为您整理,欢迎您 访问出国留学网浏览更多资讯。

  Hundreds of homes along the River Thames in southernEngland are being evacuated after the river burst its banks andswept into villages and towns west of London. More details inthis report from Rob Broomby.

  The normally steady flowing Thames has become in places a swirling brown lake engulfing gardens,fields and golf courses alike. The Prime Minister David Cameron has said that everything can bedone is being done. But his government and the agency responsible for flood protection havebeen trading punches over who was most to blame for the lack of preparedness. The police havealready called this a major incident, and with more rain expected, the flooding could get worsebefore it gets better.




  因克里米亚争端,美饿关系陷入僵局,下文《BBC英语听力材料:美国警告俄罗斯》由出国留学网英语频道为您整理,欢迎您 访问出国留学网浏览更多资讯。

  This was the third day running the team of internationalobservers had tried to cross the border into Crimea and thethird day running, they've been turned back. This time though,there were some additional menace in the air. The armed men who stopped them fired warningbursts of automatic gunfire. The fact of shots were fired or be as a warning is likely to be seen asanother show of Russian defiance in Crimea and another slap in the face for the internationalcommunity.

2011英语:BBC英语听力:Other Half (一对情侣中的) 那一位


标签: 高考

 2012年05月29日 11时24分,《2011英语:BBC英语听力:Other Half (一对情侣中的) 那一位》由出国留学网liuxue86.com英语编辑整理.

Jo: Welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Jo and with me today is Lily.
Lily: Hello there. 很多听众都熟悉我们的地道英语,这个节目专门向大家介绍英式英语中最流行的词汇和成语,其中很多都是字典上查不到的。 Jo 今天我们要学习的新短语是什么?
Jo: Well, we're going to take a look at the expression other O.T.H.E.R. half H.A.L.F. other half.
Lily: Other half? 另一半? 什么的另一半呢 Jo?
Jo: The other half of your relationship. Your other half is simply your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife.
Lily: 这很有意思,英语中可以把情侣中的一方,男朋友,女朋友,丈夫或妻子统称为 the other half – 就像汉语中我们常说的你那位。
Jo: You would be more likely to use this for a boyfriend or girlfriend you have been with for a long-time – so it would be someone you are in a long term relationship with.
Lily: 长期的情侣关系,也就是说, other half 这个短语多用于那些老夫老妻或有长期关系的情侣。
Jo: And you usually use it to talk about your other half with someone else.
Lily: 另一点要注意的是, other half 一定是在和第三者谈话的场合使用。 Let's have an example shall we?
A: So are you coming to Jess' party?
B: Yeah I'll be there. Can I bring my other half?
A: So are you going on holiday this year?
B: Yes, me and my other half are going to America to visit some friends for a couple of weeks.
Lily: Well I've got to go – my friend and her other half are staying and we're going out for a meal.
Jo: Yes and I've got to get back to my other half.
Lily: 我那位,my other half 你那位,your other half. 好,这就是今天的新词汇。
Jo: You've been listening to...

今年英语:BBC英语听力:Veg Out 休闲放松


标签: 高考

 2012年05月28日 11时56分,《今年英语:BBC英语听力:Veg Out 休闲放松》由出国留学网liuxue86.com英语编辑整理.

BBC英语听力:Veg Out 休闲放松
John: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm John.
Feifei: And I'm Feifei.
John: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that have recently become part of the English language.
Feifei: 在我们的《地道英语》节目中,我们将学到一些现代英式英语的新词汇和新说法。
John: Today's new phrase is 'veg out'.
Feifei: Veg out? I don’t think I’ve heard of that one before. What does it mean?
John: Well, to veg out is to relax and spend time doing very little.
Feifei: 原来,就是休闲放松,悠闲逍遥,什么也不做的意思吧?
John: Yes, so normally after a long day at work, you'd go home and just veg out. We can also use it to describe people who always try to relax and not do much at all.
Feifei: 我明白了, 'veg out' 除了可以表达在一天紧张的工作后回家休闲放松的意思之外,还可以用来形容那些一天到晚什么都不做,逍遥自在享受生活的人。 So it could be a bit negative?
John: It could be, but we don’t often see people who just 'veg out' all the time.
A: What did you do last night after badminton?
B: Oh, I was exhausted by the time I got home, so I just vegged out.
A: What has James been doing?
B: Not much, he's just been vegging out.
John: So, what are you going to do tonight then Feifei?
Feifei: I don't know, I think I will probably just go home and veg out in front of the TV. What about you?
John: I'd love to go home and just veg out as well, but I've got to do the shopping.
Feifei: 好啦,让我们来回顾一下今天学到的新词吧 – veg out – 就是放松松弛、什么也不做。
John: Well, ...