同学们在备考GRE阅读时,并不缺乏各类练习资料,但是原版专业读物的阅读量往往不达标。下面是出国留学网GRE栏目小编给大家带来的GRE时政新闻阅读Tribes of Tories,希望对大家有所帮助哦!
GRE时政新闻阅读Tribes of Tories
Britain Politics——Tribes of Tories
The Conservative Party increasingly resembles a patchwork of pressure groups. That is a bad sign for its leader
UNION bashing, tough talk on welfare and short shrift for criminals—in many ways it was a conventional Conservative Party conference. But away from the main stage, in gatherings of MPs and grassroots activists, the conference buzzed with big ideas. “We are skeptical of politics driven by focus groups,” asserts Kwasi Kwarteng, a Tory MP. With four other members of the Free Enterprise Group, Mr Kwarteng has just published a tract of radical free-market policies designed to shift opinion. His was not the only outfit aiming to cause a stir. In his closing speech, David Cameron tried to define what the Conservative Party stands for (see Bagehot).At times it felt as if everybody else at the conference was trying to do the same.
抨击欧盟,激烈地讨论福利问题和罪犯临刑前短暂忏悔问题——从许多方面看这都是一次传统的保守党会议。但是,远离主会场的下议院议员及草根活动家却兴奋地谈论着一些好点子。托利党议员Kwasi Kwarteng断言,“我们对由焦点群体控制的政治抱怀疑态度”。他和其他四位自由企业派的成员刚刚公布了一系列旨在改变舆论的激进的自由市场政策。他不是唯一一位企图用一套理论引发轰动的人。大卫·卡梅伦在总结陈词里就尝试定义保守党的主张。有时候给人的感觉是,会议里的所有人似乎都在竞相做同样一件事情。
Pressure groups of Tory politicians and activists...