

GRE经济类阅读:Techno wars


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  Business——Techno wars

  商业:“铁克诺” 之战

  An earlier sunny mood about technology and innovation has given way to pessimism.


  The most striking battle in modern business pits the techno-optimists against the techno-pessimists.


  The first group argues that the world is in the middle of a technology-driven renaissance.


  Tech CEOs compete with each other for superlatives.


  Business professors say that our only problem will be what to do with the people when the machines become super-intelligent.


  The pessimists retort that this is froth: a few firms may be doing wonderfully but the economy is stuck.


  Larry Summers of Harvard University talks about secular stagnation.


  Tyler Cowen, of George Mason University, says that the American economy has eaten all the low-hanging fruits of modern history and got sick.


  Until recently the prize for the most gloom-laden book on the modern economy has gone to Robert Go...





  French politics——A policy “reorientation”


  France’s parliament votes on the European fiscal pact


  Francois Holland campaigned on a promise to “renegotiate” the European fiscal pact signed by his predecessor, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel. Now the French president is trying to persuade his Socialist deputies to vote in favor of the very same pact, in treaty form. In a parliamentary debate on October 2nd his prime minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, argued that a rejection of the treaty, which enshrines budgetary discipline and goes to a vote on October 9th, would provoke “a political crisis and the collapse of monetary union”. But the irony of this turnaround has not been lost.


  Mr. Hollande faces a rebellion on the left of his party, with about 20 deputies threatening to vote against, and from the GREens, who have formally decided to oppose ...





  Alibaba Under scrutiny

  阿里巴巴 一审再审

  American regulators are investigating China's e-commerce giant


  “WE HAVE from time to time been subject to PRC and foreign government inquiries andinvestigations.” So declared form 20-F, a regulatory filing submitted by Alibaba, China's biggeste-commerce firm, to America's Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on May 24th. It istempting to dismiss this as boilerplate language. All foreign firms listed in America (Alibabatrades on the New York Stock Exchange) are required to file this document regularly. In fact, itis not inconsequential. The filing revealed that Alibaba is the target of an ongoing SECinvestigation into its accounting practices. The company's shares fell sharply after the newsbecame public.


  The SEC appears to have three areas of concern. It wants to know more about the CainiaoNetwork, a logistics joint venture worth $7.7 billion in which Alibaba has a 47% stake. Theagency also wants data on “Singles' Day”, an annual marketing p...
