8.People whose bodies cannot produce the substance cytochrome P450 are three times as likely to develop Parkinson's disease, a disease that affects the brain,as are people whose bodies do produce this substance.Since cytochrome P450 protects the brain from toxic chemicals, toxic chemicals probably play a role in the development of Parkinson's disease.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument?
(A)It will soon be possible for cytochrome P450 to be synthesized for the treatment of people whose bodies cannot produce this substance.
(B)Many people whose bodies are unable to produce cytochrome P450 lack the ability to produce certain other substances as well.
(C)Cytochrome P450 has no effect on the brain other than to protect it from toxic chemicals.
(D)People with Parkinson's disease often exhibit a marked lessening in the severity of their symp-toms when they are treated with dopamine, a chemical produced naturally in the brain.
(E)Many people with Parkinson's disease have the ability to produce cytochrome P450 naturally.
9.The early universe contained only the lightest elements, hydrogen and helium. Heavier elements,such as carbon, form only in nuclear reactions in stars and are dispersed when the stars exp...
1. Patel: Although enrollment in the region's high school has been decreasing for several years, enrollment at the elementary school has grown considerably. Therefore, the regional school board proposes building a new elementary school.
Quintero: Another solution would be to convert some high school classrooms temporarily into classrooms for elementary school students.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to support Quintero's alternative proposal?
(A) Some rooms at the high school cannot be con-verted into rooms suitable for the use of ele-mentary school students.
(B) The cost of building a high school is higher than the cost of building an elementary school.
(C) Although the birth rate has not increased, the number of families sending their children to the region's high school has increased markedly.
(D) A high school atmosphere could jeopardize the safety and self-confidence of elementary school students.
(E) Even before the region's high school population began to decrease, several high school class-rooms rarely needed to be used.
2. Peter: More than ever before in Risland, college graduates with science degrees are accepting permanent jobs in other fields. That just goes to show that scientists in...
8.People whose bodies cannot produce the substance cytochrome P450 are three times as likely to develop Parkinson's disease, a disease that affects the brain,as are people whose bodies do produce this substance.Since cytochrome P450 protects the brain from toxic chemicals, toxic chemicals probably play a role in the development of Parkinson's disease.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument?
(A)It will soon be possible for cytochrome P450 to be synthesized for the treatment of people whose bodies cannot produce this substance.
(B)Many people whose bodies are unable to produce cytochrome P450 lack the ability to produce certain other substances as well.
(C)Cytochrome P450 has no effect on the brain other than to protect it from toxic chemicals.
(D)People with Parkinson's disease often exhibit a marked lessening in the severity of their symp-toms when they are treated with dopamine, a chemical produced naturally in the brain.
(E)Many people with Parkinson's disease have the ability to produce cytochrome P450 naturally.
9.The early universe contained only the lightest elements, hydrogen and helium. Heavier elements,such as carbon, form only in nuclear reactions in stars and are dispersed when the stars explode. A recently discovered gas cloud contained carbon several billion years ago, when the universe was no more than two billion years old.
If the sta...
1. Patel: Although enrollment in the region's high school has been decreasing for several years, enrollment at the elementary school has grown considerably. Therefore, the regional school board proposes building a new elementary school.
Quintero: Another solution would be to convert some high school classrooms temporarily into classrooms for elementary school students.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to support Quintero's alternative proposal?
(A) Some rooms at the high school cannot be con-verted into rooms suitable for the use of ele-mentary school students.
(B) The cost of building a high school is higher than the cost of building an elementary school.
(C) Although the birth rate has not increased, the number of families sending their children to the region's high school has increased markedly.
(D) A high school atmosphere could jeopardize the safety and self-confidence of elementary school students.
(E) Even before the region's high school population began to decrease, several high school class-rooms rarely needed to be used.
2. Peter: More than ever before in Risland, college graduates with science degrees are accepting permanent jobs in other fields. That just goes to show that scientists in Risland are not being paid enough.
Lila: No, it does not. These graduates are not working in science for the simple reason that there are not enough jobs in scienc...
1. Armtech, a temporary-employment agency, previously gave its employees 2.5 paid vacation days after each 700 hours worked. Armtech's new policy is to give its employees 5.0 paid vacation days after each 1,200 hours worked. Therefore, this new policy is more generous to Armtech employees in giving them more vacation days per hour worked than the old policy did.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
(A) Most current Armtech employees approve of the company's new vacation policy.
(B) A few Armtech employees leave the company before having worked 700 hours.
(C) Most Armtech employees were not aware that the company planned to change its vacation policy until after it had already done so.
(D) A significant portion of Armtech employees stay with the company long enough to work for 1,200 hours.
(E) Armtech's new vacation policy closely matches the vacation policies of competing temporary employment agencies.
2 The global population of frogs has declined in recent years while the amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth has increased. Since the genetic material in frog eggs is harmed when exposed to ultraviolet radi-ation, and since the eggs themselves are not protected by shells or leathery coverings but are gelatinous, the frog population decline is probably due, at least in part, t...
1. Patel: Although enrollment in the region's high school has been decreasing for several years, enrollment at the elementary school has grown considerably. Therefore, the regional school board proposes building a new elementary school.
Quintero: Another solution would be to convert some high school classrooms temporarily into classrooms for elementary school students.
Which of the following, if true, most helps to support Quintero's alternative proposal?
(A) Some rooms at the high school cannot be con-verted into rooms suitable for the use of ele-mentary school students.
(B) The cost of building a high school is higher than the cost of building an elementary school.
(C) Although the birth rate has not increased, the number of families sending their children to the region's high school has increased markedly.
(D) A high school atmosphere could jeopardize the safety and self-confidence of elementary school students.
(E) Even before the region's high school population began to decrease, several high school class-rooms rarely needed to be used.
2. Peter: More than ever before in Risland, college graduates with science degrees are accepting permanent jobs in other fields. That just goes to show that scientists in Risland are not being paid enough.
Lila: No, it does not. These graduates are not working in ...