在一篇关于有氧代谢和无氧糖酵解的生命科学文章中,第三段有这样一个长达数行的难句子: With the conclusion of a burst of activity, the lactic acid level is high in the body fluids, leaving the large animal vulnerable to attack until the acid is reconverted, via oxidative metabolism, by the liver into glucose, which is then sent (in part) back to the muscles for glycogen resynthesis.
It can be inferred from the passage that the time required to replenish muscle glycogen following anaerobic glycolysis is determined by which of the following factors?
I. Rate of oxidative metabolism
II. Quantity of lactic acid in the body fluids
III. Percentage of glucose that is returned to the muscles
(A) I only
(B) III only
(C) I and II only
(D) I and III only
(E) I, II, and III
题目问及无氧糖酵解过程转化糖原时间和哪些因素有关?有氧代谢率和乳酸本身含量是比较明显的因素。然而根据本人实际教学中的反馈,这道题的正确率非常低,原因主要是由于III项的现场争议。当提醒学员句子中括号包含的in part短短两词时,往往得到的是豁然开朗的叹气。试想,在考试中读到这样一个复杂冗长的句子时,没有经过训练的考生是非常难在第一时间注意到这样两个不起眼的小词的。所以本题选E选项,同时受三个因素影响。
再看一个同样也是生命科学文章的例子。这次不是以复杂机制作为隐蔽方法。文章主要内容是各种复杂理论来解释为什么动植物中的雌雄比例大致相等。文中一段末句提到:Although Fisher wrote before the mathematical theory of games had been developed, his theory incorporates the essential feature of a game — that the best strategy to adopt depends on wha...