




  Task 1: What suggestions w ould you give to a friend who is starting a new job. Give examples and details in your response.


  I'd like to give my friend who's starting a new job the following suggestions. First, get familiar with people at the new place. I believe that the best way of getting use to a new work environment or cooperate culture is talking to, and learning from the people who work there as often as possible. They can give new comers lots of tips on what to look out for, and how they can advance in the company. Second, try to be productive. There are so many things one can do to stay productive. Including getting in the office on time, meeting deadlines and consulting with boss and coworkers when difficulty presents.

  Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the statement that students should be allowed to carry their cellphones at all times. Give details and examples in your response.


  I strongly agree with the statement that students should be allowed to carry their cellphones all the time. First of all, people do everything nowadays on their cellphones. Take myself for example. All my class schedules are on my phone. Sometimes I take audio notes in a class that might be going to fast for me which help enormously. Also, when it comes to communication, cellphones are extremely important for us if not crucial. Especially in the case of an emergency. Students can call ...


  第一题是如果你的朋友要去工作了他很紧张 你要给 他什么建议。


  第三题是一个学生写信说学校应该给他们提供机会去别的地方实习而且学校应该掏这部分费用。女生不同意1、这个城市虽然小但是也有很多公司可以实习她的朋友就找到一家。2、花销太贵了 学校的经费还要做其他很多用处,会不够。

  第四题文章说学生们会缺少能力和信息去完成他们的任务.后面貌似是需要老师的指点。听力里是说 教授带着两组小孩去图书馆让他们找到自己想要的书一个小姑娘想要找一本什么故事书,教授说我不能帮她找,但是我问她这书是什么故事?小女孩说是XX故事, 教授说这种故事会有特殊的分类 后来小女孩找到了这本书。

  第五题是男学生收到学校的信告诉他他可能不能再5月份毕业了,愿意是一个必须修的有机化学他没修。他听从他一个化学专业朋友的建议修了另外一个 化学代替但是不能算作必修。解决方案1是放弃另一个化学课然后去努力补上3个星期的课去学有机化学,这是他最后一个学期了。但是男生喜欢他上的化学课不想 放弃。方案2是找化学系去让他们帮忙XX可以解决 但是不知道多久可以得到回复。

  第六题生物的vonen(貌似是这么写的)的两种用途。一种是用来捕食 举了一个蛇的例子他们藏在某个地方 假装是石头然后又动物路过就抓住他们。另一个是用来防御捕食者,聚了蜜蜂的例子说如果有鸟想吃蜜蜂蜜蜂就会用刺蛰他们,虽然被蛰一下但是非常非常疼。而且 他们需要抓蜜蜂的时候远离蜂群。

