三重大学是日本的一所著名的高等学府。三重大学除了常规的统一招生,还接受特殊旁听生(Special Auditing Students)和特殊研究型学生(Special Research Students)申请。由于类型不同,申请办法也不相同。那么这两类学生都如何申请呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。
Application Guide for Special Auditing Students
(Undergraduate and Graduate Levels)
1. Outline
(1) Special Auditing students are accepted in the beginning of each semester (in April or October).
(2) Study period at Mie University is one or two semesters.
(3) Accepted students will be exempt from the examination and entrance fee and tuition.
* For the students mentioned in “Memorandum for joint education program of Japanese language between Mie University and Tianjin Normal University”, their annual tuition is otherwise specified.
(4) Applicants' universities must submit application documents to the International Student Office in Mie University.
(5) Special Auditing students must take at least 7 classes in a week. Talk with your advisor about the schedule.
(6) Special Auditing students must submit their reports to the International Student Office of Mie University by their study completion date.
* 对于在“三重大学与天津师范大学合作教育日语语言课程契约书”中提到的学生,每年学费另行规定。