1. Foreign Student Categories
“Foreign student” must not possess Japanese citizenship, and must either possess a visa status of “student”, or must be able to obtain a visa status of “college student” as stipulated by the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act by the date of admission. Foreign students are divided into two categories: Japanese government (the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) scholarship foreign students and self-financed foreign students.
(1) Japanese Government Scholarship Foreign Student
Japanese government offers them a scholarship which covers travel expenses to and from Japan, tuition, and living expenses while staying in Japan. Japanese government scholarship students are divided into the following three categories:
- A student recommend by a Japanese embassy or consulate general outside Japan (Embassy recommendation)
- A student recommended by Mie University (University recommendation)
- A student selected by Mie University after arriving in Japan (Domestic selection)
三重大学是日本的一所著名的高等学府。三重大学除了常规的统一招生,还接受特殊旁听生(Special Auditing Students)和特殊研究型学生(Special Research Students)申请。由于类型不同,申请办法也不相同。那么这两类学生都如何申请呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。
Application Guide for Special Auditing Students
(Undergraduate and Graduate Levels)
1. Outline
(1) Special Auditing students are accepted in the beginning of each semester (in April or October).
(2) Study period at Mie University is one or two semesters.
(3) Accepted students will be exempt from the examination and entrance fee and tuition.
* For the students mentioned in “Memorandum for joint education program of Japanese language between Mie University and Tianjin Normal University”, their annual tuition is otherwise specified.
(4) Applicants' universities must submit application documents to the International Student Office in Mie University.
(5) Special Auditing students must take at least 7 classes in a week. Talk with your advisor about the schedule.
(6) Special Auditing students must submit their reports to the International Student Office of Mie University by their study completion date.
* 对于在“三重大学与天津师范大学合作教育日语语言课程契约书”中提到的学生,每年学费另行规定。
三重大学的奖学金分为四类:培训学生(trainng students )奖学金、日语学习学生(Japanese Studies students)奖学金、师范类学生(teacher trainng students )奖学金和统招生(regular stduents)奖学金。每类奖学金金额不同,申请办法也不同。下面出国留学网为大家介绍日语学习学生奖学金。一起来看看吧。
Japanese Studies students
This is a Japanese Study Course mainly for the Government-sponsored scholarship students. Students who enroll in the undergraduate program in the foreign universities and study in the fields of Japanese Language and Culture. The course is for one year and students will go back to their own university to continue their study after completing this one-year program.
In this program, we aim to strengthen the recognition on the individuality and universality of culture through comparing cultures of Japan and other countries while enhancing Japanese language ability.
For the first six months of the program, students are to take classes of Japanese language and cross-cultural understanding & adaptation. In the last six months, students are to continue these studies and receive advices from their advisors to expand their own research.
Required Documents for Submission-
三重大学是日本一所知名的国立大学。三重大学是学生宿舍分三类:外国学生之家(Foreign Students' House)、外国学生宿舍(Foreign Students' Dormitory)和国外学生女生宿舍(Women's Dormitory for International Students )。每类宿舍规格、租金、设施和交通等条件都不相同。那么具体情况如何呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。
1.University Foreign Students' House
Name | Rent |
Single | 5,900 JPY per month |
Couples | 11,900 JPY per month |
* Need to pay gas and electricity accordingly.
名称 | 租金 |
三人间 | 每月5,900 日元 |
夫妇间 | 每月11,900 日元 |
* 需要支付相应的气费和电费。
Building Structure / Facilities