








  1. 君子无所争: “君子”即 “gentleman”, “争”即 “竞争”(contest ),下棋也算是两人间的比赛 ,所以这里选用“contest”。全句译为“A real gentleman seldom contests with others.”。

  2. “下棋却是要争的”:这里的“争”也有 “竞争”的意思,但更含有一种想赢的心态 ,因此译为“do sb. down”,有“胜过某人”的意思。全句译为“He will, however, seek to do his opponent down in a game of chess.”。

  3. “当你给对方一个严重威胁的时候”:译为“when you put him on the spot”,词组“put sb. on the spot”意思是“使人为难,使某人陷入窘境”。

  4. “头上青筋暴露”:“青筋”即“blue veins”,全句译为“see blue veins standing out on his temples”,“头上”译为“on the temples”,“temple”指“太阳穴”。

  5. “黄豆般的汗珠”: “黄豆般的”即“the size of soybean”,故词组译为“drops of cold sweat the size of soybean”。

  6. “一颗颗地在额上陈列出来”:“一颗颗”并不需要译出 ,因为前面的“drops”一词已经体现出来 了。

  7. “哭丧着脸作惨笑”:“哭丧着脸”译为“a long face”,即“闷闷不乐的,不悦的脸色”。 “惨笑”译为“a wan smile”,“wan”原意为“无血色的,苍白的”。全句译为 “...wear a wan smile on his long face”。

  8. “咕嘟着嘴作吃屎状”:意思是 “涵养低的人落下风时嘟囔着嘴心情不好”,译为 “purse his lips in displeasure”,“purse”指“皱...












  1. 千万不能剪啊 ,玫瑰是泥土的微笑 ,谁忍心杀戮美得醉人的微笑 :这一句要注意句子的拆分,译文应当分成两句 ,从意思上来看,“千万不能剪啊”有语气词“啊”在末尾,语气较重,单独处理为一句话。后面的两个“微笑”相互呼应 ,放到一起译为第二句话 。故译为 “She told me that by no means should they be cut. Roses are the smiling face of the earth, and who could be so iron-hearted as to destroy a smile so exhilarating?”。

  2. 灵魂悚然一惊: “悚然”意为“由于惊觉、害怕而犹疑”,boggle意为 “to overwhelm with wonder or bewilderment”,故译为 “My mind was thoroughly boggled”。

  3. 丑陋的泥土,卑微的泥土,朴素的泥土,因为玫瑰,露出了惊艳一笑:在这句话中,三个“……的泥土”并列为 “露 出了惊艳一笑”的主语 ,故译为“the ugly earth, the humble earth, the plain earth—it is only because of the roses that it reveals an amazing and bright smile.”。

  4. 因为……因为……:此处使用了两个强调句。故第二句译为 “it is for the sake of that smile that it wins the care and pity of men.”。

  5. 紫砂壶:the boccaro teapots。

  6. 令人拍案叫绝的泥塑:the shockingly beautiful sculptures。

  7. 弥足珍贵:中文可 以接着上文说 “弥足珍贵”,但英文则必须有主语,且意思上应与后面的句子连在一起,可用such ...that结构译出。全句译为:“They are such exquisite treasures that—even if...”。

  8. “无论是谁,都不应 当……” ,英文...








  1. “一个人生活在世上 ……”:这里 “一个人生活在世上” ,无需译成 “when people live in this world”, 只需要翻译成“life is like...”,这样更显简练。

  2. 运转起来之后:这里用“toss”更好,因为是在水泥搅拌器里,“toss”更能体现出搅拌的意味。

  3. 身不由己:这里的意思是身处社会中,人失去对自己的控制 ,所以用 “loses control of its own existence”更为贴切。

  4. “使我们感觉到,不是某一个人的问题,而是社会问题,而是文化问题。”:在这句话的翻译中,作者增译 “I could cite similar analogies”以此作为强调。“不是 ……而是 ……”可以使用 “not ...but ...”句型 ,中文喜用散句 ,而英文喜用整句 ,故此句可合译为一句话 : “The conclusion I always come to is that the problems of the Chinese people are not individual but rather social and cultural problems.”。

  5. 耶稣临死的时候说:“宽容他们!他们做的他们不知道。”:圣经中多用简单词汇;所以即使没有读过圣经,也可以译出。全句译为:Before he died, Jesus said, “Forgive them, for they know not what they do”。

  6. “年轻时候读这句话 ,觉得稀松平常……”: “稀松平常”如果翻译成 “common things”则太显平淡,如用两个形容词“bland”和“frivolous”表明“稀松”和 “平常”则更夺人眼球。

  7.“……这句话没有力量” :说 明作者觉得上述所言缺乏实质 ,不能给人力量 ,故可译为 “lacked substance”,如若译成: “statement lacks power.”则显得不地道 。











  1. 好比:be likened to。

  2. 人生道路漫长的老人 :意译为 “the aged who have already seen much of life”。

  3. 七老八十的人 :译为 “septuagenarian and octogenarians”比 “someone whose age is in the seventies or eighties”更为简洁。

  4. “穿过艰难 的世途 ,穿过芸芸众生 ,穿过重重障碍”这三个排 比是此篇 的难点之一 , 不可直译 ,须意译 ,且注意动词 “穿过”的三种不 同表达 。

  5. 穿过艰难 的世途 :即 “经历迂 回曲折或艰难 的人生之旅” ,故译为 “experiencing the twists and turns of life’s j ourney” (twists and turns 是成语 ,意为 “迂 回曲折”、 “艰难” )。

  6. 穿过芸芸众生:即“遇见各式各样的人”,故译为 “meeting human beings of all descriptions ”。

  7.穿过重障碍:即“经受一次又一次的险阻碍”,故译为“going through one obstacle after another”。

  8. 第二段 四字格翻译较多,是本篇翻译的另一个难点。“稳健有力,从容不迫”译为 “run with firm and steady steps and self-possession (self-possession:the trait of resolutely controlling your own behaviour沉着,泰然自若 )。

  9. 歪歪扭扭,步子不正:译为“run very unsteadily and out of step”(out of step作“步调不一致”、“不合拍”解)。

  10. 拖拖沓沓 ,蹒跚不前 :译为“be sluggish and run with faltering steps”(sluggish :行动迟缓的、迟钝的;faltering :unsteady in speech or action 蹒跚的、支吾的 )。

  11. 跑入歪道:意译为 “resort to dishonest practices”(resort to:依靠,求助于;诉诸 )。





  古人多有“名”,“字”,“号”。比如唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人李白,字太白,号青莲居士。在古代,名是人名;字,是根据人名中的字义另取的名字;号,原指名和字以外另起的别号,后来也泛指名以外另起的字。 按我国古代习惯,“字”是男子的正式称呼,用于社会交往,而“名”多用于自称,或用于特别亲近的人之间。如,《红楼梦》中宝玉送黛玉的“字”是“颦”,眉头蹙起的意思,而称呼好友秦钟就是用他的字“鲸卿”。



  Xu Xiake(1586-1641),whose given name is"Hongzu"and who styled himself as "Zhenzhi","Xiake"and "Xiayi"。As he was very interested in traveling and liked to spend the night outdoors to savor the dew and enjoy the morning rays, his friend Chen Jiru named him "Xiake",the guest of the morning ray。

  徐霞客的名字恐怕很少有人知道,多数人知道的是他的“号”。补充解释的“the guest of the morning ray”朝霞的客人,好生动的意境哪。

  style oneself as 意为to give sb/sth/yourself a particular name or title,即称呼,命名。用它译“字”“号”,“别号”相当准确。






  What I Have Lived For ---by Bertrand Russell

  “我的人生追求” ---伯特兰.罗素





  Three passions,simple but overwhelmingly strong,have governed my life ---the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.These passions,like great winds, have blown me hither and thither,in a wayward course,over a deep ocean of anguish,reacing to the very verge of despair.

  I have sought love, first,because it brings ecstasy —ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of living for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next,because it relieves loneliness —that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it,finally,because in the union of love I have seen,in a mystic miniature,the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life,this is what,at last,I have found.






  No task seems too large for the people of China. They are building their future on a scale that matches the needs for their people, who could fault this effort if they truly understood what it takes to provide for the people of China. In the history of every in-dustrialized nation, there has been a great period of building infrastructure for the bene-fit of its people. China is in this period now and the task is much greater than the ones that any other country has ever faced. There should be no question that the Chinese people have the ability to successfully complete the Three Gorges Project.




  Michel Gringas is getting ready for bed, a ritual not complete until he straps on his NovaDreamer.

  一台真正的梦机器技术能够帮助控制和创造梦Michel Gringas正准备睡觉,在他与新梦想家捆在一起后,程序才算完成。

  "It's the best form of virtual reality," said Gringas. "It's a reality in which you can do absolutely everything."


  Gringas is one of thousands who swear by the new technology that reportedly lets users control and create dreams.


  "Flying is the most classic example," said Gringas, a Web designer and videographer from Canada. "When you realize you're having a lucid dream, you just take off and fly!"


  Realizing you're in a lucid dream is the key, and that's where technology developed in a Stanford University lab by world-renowned lucid dreaming expert Stephen LaBerge comes in.

  意识到是在清醒梦中是关键,这说明由斯坦福大学实验室著名清醒梦专家Stephen LaBerge开发的技术便发挥作用了。

  "When you do something in a dream, to the brain it's as if you're actually doing it," LaBerge said.


  Lucid dreaming simply means knowing that you're dreaming while you're sleeping. Think Nightmare on Elm Street, but in a good way.


  Control Your Dreams 控制你的梦

  The NovaDreamer is a mask that senses when you drift i...





  In extended families, older member's opinion was respected, and the youngest members are loved and taken good cane of by all. China's constitution stipulates that grown-up children are duty-bound to support their parents. In the cities, couples who do not live with their aged parents give the latter living allowances and help them with the house chores. In the countryside, though quite a number of extended families have dissolved, many marred sons and their families continue to live in the same courtyard with their parents. To them, breaking up the extended family means cooking their meals separately. Married sons most often have their houses built near their parents’ Home, making it convenient for parents and children to help and visit each other as be-fore.




  Children who are abused and neglected at home are more likely than their peers to do badly at school, to have behaviour problems and to become victims of bullying, according to a report.

  The first British overview of research on the relationship between how children are treated at home and how they fare at school proves that abuse has a "profound effect" on children’s performance in all aspects of school life, its authors say.

  The study, published by the NSPCC, includes the finding that maltreatment in the first five years of life almost triples a child’s likelihood of having multiple physiological, behavioural and academic problems at school.

  Children with special educational needs are more than seven times more likely than their classmates to suffer physical abuse and have almost the same chance of being neglected, according to the research.

  The study also says that children who have spent a year or more in care, and are more likely than their peers to have suffered maltreatment, are more likely to fail their GCSEs; 8% of youngsters in care achieve five good GCSEs, compared with a national average of more than 50%.

  Although it is impossible to gauge precisely the numbers of children suffering abuse, often without either their school authorities or other services knowing the truth of their circumstances, one study found one in six young British adults reported at least one serious abusive incident in their ch...