




  Chongqing University


  General Information


  Chongqing University is a nationally famedcomprehensive key university in China,directlyunder The administration of the State Ministry ofEducation and listed in national“Project211”and“Project 985”gaining preferential support intheir construction and development from the Central Government.rently,ChongqingUniversity runs a graduate school and offers a wide range of dergraduate programs coveringdiverse branches of learning such as sciences,gineering,liberalarts,economics,management, law and education.


  At present,Chongqing University runs 24 colleges or faculties,plus the Graduate school,theCity College,the College of Continuing Education,the College of Networking Education.TheUniversity now has a total enrollment of 57472 students,including 1 962 Ph. D. degreecandidates,8 310 master degree candidates,27 093 undergraduates,793 high-professionstudents,88 overseas students and LO 156 students of adult education.

  重庆大学现有24个学院,以及研究生院、继续教育学院、网络教育学院、城市科技学院。学校现有全日制在校学生57 472人,其中博士研究生1 962人,硕士研究生8 310人,本科生27 098,高职学生793,留学生88人,成人教育学生10 156人。

  The university owns 15 mobile workstations for postdocto...



  南开大学(Nankai University),简称南开,肇始于1904年,正式成立于1919年,是由严修、张伯苓秉承教育救国理念创办的综合性大学。1937年校园遭侵华日军炸毁,学校南迁,1938年与北京大学、清华大学在云南昆明合组西南联合大学,为中华民族振兴和国家富强作出了不可磨灭的重要贡献。1946年回天津复校并改为国立。新中国成立后,经历高等学校院系调整,成为文理并重的全国重点大学。南开大学由中华人民共和国教育部直属,位列国家“211工程”和“985工程”,入选首批“2011计划”、“111计划”、“珠峰计划”、“卓越法律人才教育培养计划”,被誉为“学府北辰”。


  Nankai University


  General Information


  Akey multidisciplinary university directly under thejurisdiction of the Ministry of Education,NankaiUniversity is also the alma mater of our beloved latePremier Zhou Enlai. It has long been given muchattention by the central government. Chinese topleaders from Chairman Mao Zedong,Premier Zhou Enlai to President Jiang Zemin all were atNankai University for inspection. Chairman Mao wrote the name for Nankai University.


  Nankai University was founded in 1919 by the famous patriotic educators inChinese ModernHistory,Mr. Zhang Boling and Mr. Yan Xiu. During the war of Resistance against Japan,NankaiUniversity,Peking University(Beijng University)and Tsinghua University(QinghuaUniversity)united in Kunming to be the renowned Southwest Associated University. It wascompared to be“The North Star of Higher Learning”.In accordan...




  Shanghai Jiaotong University


  General information


  Shanghai Jiaotong University(SJTU),directly subordinate to the Ministry of Education,is a icey university in China,jointly run by the Ministry and Shanghai Municipality.Shanghai Jiaotong University,formerly the Nan Yang Public School,was founded in 1896 by Mr. Sheng Xuanhuai. it is one of the oldest universifies in China.The University,through its century-long history,has nurtured large numbers of outstanding figures and made signifiicant contributions to the thriving and prosperity of the nation and the development of science and technology.


  Its famous alumniinclude Jiang Zemin,Lu Dingyi,Wang Daohan,Qian Xuesen,Wu Wenjun,ZouTaofen,Mao Yisheng,Cai Er,Huang Yanpei,Shao Lizi,Wang An and so on.Of all the academicians of China's Academy of Sciences and Academy of Engineering,more than 200 are the alumni of Jiao Tong University.


  SJTU has beautiful campuses,occupying an area of more than 200 hectares in total.The university's library system now consists of three parts:Pao Sui-Long on Xu H...