






  1. 要赶上班上最优秀的同学你得更加用功才行。

  You’ll have to work harder to ___________ ___________ with the top students in your class.

  2. 有人在大声呼救。

  Someone is ___________ ___________ ___________.

  3 . 在我去度假的时候,我的朋友照料我的猫。

  My friend ___________ ___________ my cat while I was on holiday.

  4. 那个勇敢的士兵宁死不屈。

  The brave soldier would rather die than ___________ ___________.

  5. 雨下得很大,因此我们不能出去。

  It’s raining hard,and ___________ ___________ ___________,we can’t go out.



  Tang Ling often smoked cigarettes (香烟) in his school’s washing room. He started smoking 6 the age of day he learnt that the NBA star Yao Ming, an ambassador (大使) to the Chinese Association on Tobacco Control (中国控烟协会), asked people not to smoke. Yao Ming was Tang’s favorite star, 7 his words meant a lot to him. He decided to 8 up smoking.

  According to the Chinese Association on Tobacco Control, about 350 million Chinese smoke. Among 9 , 50 million are teenagers. Sun Jiangping of Beijing University said, “Teenagers can get cigarettes 10 , especially when their parents smoke or shops 11 cigarettes to them. It’s very important 12 parents to help their children stop smo...