佩珀代因大学(Pepperdine University)是美国一所知名的研究型私立大学,目前有五个学院,每年面向国际招生。珀代因大学教育和心理学研究生院有专门为中国留学生提供的奖学金,种类丰富,福利可观。大多数在7月中截止。具体情况请看出国留学网以下的翻译介绍。
(原文)Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology Scholarships
A scholarship is financial aid that does not need to be repaid. Total aid awarded in loans, grants, and scholarships may not exceed a student's total Cost of Attendance.
一、(原文)Pepperdine Endowed Scholarships
We are thrilled to provide a variety of endowed scholarships to students currently enrolled in the Graduate School of Education and Psychology through the generosity of our donors. Awards are made based on a variety of criteria, including academic merit, financial need, specific academic programs, and the promotion of cultural diversity at the school. Scholarships are generally awarded at the start of the academic year and students must be enrolled full-time (6 units each term) in order to remain eligible. Please note: 100% online (Psychology @ Pepperdine) students are not eligible for Endowed Pepperdine Scholarships.
Awards for New Students
Please note: students may apply for and receive more than one scholarship; however, the total award will not exceed 25% of tuition. Students who withdraw or take a leave of absence will forfeit scholarship awards. Students who request a deferral will be allowed to defer scholarships only once, after which all Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology scholarships will be forfeited. Please note: 100% on-line (Psychology@Pepperdine) students are not eligible for Institutional Pepperdine Scholarships.
1.(原文)Education for Life: Amounts vary (one-time award, new students only)
Eligibility is based on cumulative GPA and receipt date of application for admission by one of the three (3) priority deadlines in addition to payment of application fee. Amounts vary from $1,000 -$3,000 split into two (2) consecutive semesters of enrollment in the fall. Spring awards will be a single disbursement. The student must be accepted, enrolled and must have paid their deposit to receiv...
美国佩珀代因大学占地面积830英亩,拥有5个院系,分别是文理学院(Frank R. Seaver College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences)、商业与管理学院(George L. Graziadio School of Business and Management)、教育与心理研究生院(Graduate School of Education and Psychology)、法学院(Pepperdine University School of Law)和公共政策学院(School of Public Policy),开设了本科课程、硕士课程和博士课程。
(二)Diane and Guilford Glazer Scholarship