Master PROGRAMS taught in English
Polar and Marine Sciences POMOR
About the program
The Master program for Marine and Polar Sciences POMOR is a research-oriented interdisciplinary two-year Master program taught in English. During the first and second semesters the courses are held at Saint Petersburg University and the Otto Schmidt Laboratory for Polar and Marine Research in St. Petersburg. The third semester takes place in one of the German partner universities (Bremen, Hamburg, Kiel or Potsdam). Students participate in international expeditions to the Arctic Region as a part of their practical training between the second and third semesters. Courses are delivered and Master thesis are supervised by both German and Russian teachers. After the final exams the students are awarded a Master of Science Degree of Hamburg University and Saint Petersburg University. The Master program was internationally accredited at Hamburg University in 2012.
Compulsory courses:
• Ocean Basins, Sediments and Climate Change
• High Seas and Coastal Waters Oceanography
• Po...