





  The night when Jesus was born, the shepherd who watched the sheep in the wilderness heard a voice from the sky and told them the news of Jesus's birth. According to the Bible, Jesus came to the world to be king of the world, so the angels passed the news to more people through these shepherds.

  Later, people imitated the angels, and on the night of Christmas Eve, they spread the news of Jesus's birth. Until today, it evolved into the good news. Although Christmas Eve is a festival for foreigners, we are also excited about this day.

  On Christmas Eve, each family places a Christmas tree according to tradition. That night, the family gathered in the living room, surrounded by Christmas trees singing Christmas songs, exchanging gifts, sharing the joys and sorrows of life, expressing their inner blessings and love, and praying for happiness in the coming year. But we live on campus, we can't go home.

  We went back to the dormitory, took out the apple, and replaced it with someone else. Our dormitory bless each other, give us some snacks, we before bed, wash the socks on the bed in the morning found in a sock gift, I know who is on, is my head, I also gave him a gift, our dormitory exchange gifts, we are while they were sleeping when it.....


  We get presents from each other, we all love each other.

  I didn't know t...





  Today, It is snowy. we make a snowman outside the house. We are happy.

  First. We make a big baII of snow. Then we make another snowbaII. This one is smaIIer than the first. We put this snowbaII on that snowbaII. We make another smaII snowbaII, we put it on top. We make a face on the snowman. The carrot is his nose some LittIe rocks for his mouth and eyes. We have two sticks for his arms.

  Snowman is wonderfuI! I Like snowman.

  As the winter has come, the weather becomes so cold and there comes the snow. I love snow so much, because I can play with my friends outside, we play many games with the snow. The most exciting thing is to make a snowman. We make different shapes every year, this year, I want to build a Mickey Mouse.


  First,we make a big ball of we make another snowball,this one is smaller than the put this snowball on that we make another small put it on 's make on the have a carrot for his have some little rocks for his mouth and have two sticks for his arms.

  ok!the snowman is wondwrrful.


  First, we make a bigball of snow. Then we make another snowball. This one is smaller then the first, We put this snowball on that snowball. Then we make another snow snowball put it on top . Then we make face on the snowman. We have carrot is his have some rocks for his mouth and eyes.<...




  Long, long ago, there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand). His parents died when he was a child. Later he was driven out of his home by his sister-in-law. So he lived by himself herding cattle and farming. One day, a fairy from heaven Zhi Nu (Weaver Maid) fell in love with him and came down secretly to earth and married him. The cowhand farmed in the field and the Weaver Maid wove at home. They lived a happy life and gave birth to a boy and a girl. Unfortunately, the God of Heaven soon found out the fact and ordered the Queen Mother of the Western Heavens to bring the Weaver Maid back.

  With the help of celestial cattle, the Cowhand flew to heaven with his son and daughter. At the time when he was about to catch up with his wife, the Queen Mother took off one of her gold hairpins and made a stroke. One billowy river appeared in front of the Cowhand. The Cowhand and Weaver Maid were separated on the two banks forever and could only feel their tears.

  Their loyalty to love touched magpies, so tens of thousands of magpies came to build a bridge for the Cowhand and Weaver Maid to meet each other. The Queen Mother was eventually moved and allowed them to meet each year on the 7th of the 7th lunar month. Hence their meeting date has been called "Qi Xi" (Double Seventh).


  Scholars have shown the Double Seventh Festival originated from the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD220). Historical docum...



标签: 英语


  1. 学习英语是随时随地的:我有一个习惯,就是每次买了一件新东西我都会对上面的包装或说明书仔细研究一番,当然我不是在研究商品本身,我是为了看上面的英语注释,想多记几个地道的英语表达而已。前几天我买了一瓶止咳露,又从上面学到不少东西呢。比如说,有效期可以说成validity,规格可以说成specification,贮藏可以说成storage,放在儿童接触的地方可以这样说keep out of the reach of children,等等等等。这些东西都非常实用,虽然有时你看了一遍不一定记得,但当你下次再遇到它们的时候你的印象就会更加深刻,久而久之便会记得。说了这么多就是要让大家知道学英语不光是课堂上的事,生活中随时随地都可以学习英文,商场啊,超市啊,餐馆啊,很多地方都有英语标识就连我们玩的电脑游戏中都有很多英语出现,学习英语是随时随地的,同学们多注意观察,收获一定不少。这样学英语不是更轻松更有趣吗?

  2. 做好记录:英语学习者一般都会遇到这样的情况,那就是在和别人说英语的时候会突然有一句话不知道怎样表达,或者知道一点点,东拼西凑半天挤不出来那句话,也不知道自己说的正不正确。遇到这种情况该怎么办呢?我建议大家把自己平时想表达而又不会表达的句子记在一个本子上面。然后有机会就去请教老外。方法多多,每天我们或多或少都会遇到一些不会表达的句子或单词,如果我们找一个专门的小本子把它们都记录下来,然后再有目的的解决这些问题,我们的英文一定会一天一个进步的。

  3. 养成明白语意读英文的习惯,威尼英文指出练习英文是练习思维与表达同步,所以要养成“嘴”与“脑”同步的习惯。

  4. 每天坚持练习口语一两个小时,锻炼你说英文的肌肉习惯

  5. 养成大声读英文的习惯,再尝试着用腹式一口气练习,这样使你说出的英文更有底气,更流畅

  6. 每天早晨起床后,张大嘴,啊五分钟,这样有利于练好你的腹式一口气。

  7. 养成每天去运用的习惯,学过了很多东西,要经常拿出来晒太阳,要学会卖弄英文,你可以找partner ,也可以对着天空,大树,小鸟对话,只要把这些语言运用自如了,变成你自己的了,什么都好!

  8. 学会正确使用复读机,先精听,然后去读,去听自己的发音,找出与磁带录音的不同,直到自己的发音与磁带的发音一样了,再接着听下一个。

  9. 多用精听模仿练习法模仿发音,不要边听边读,我们要求听的时候不读,读的时候不听,这样效果会更好。

  10. 学习外语是快乐无穷的,虽然需要花费很多努力,这就要求我们要有一个好的心态,学会调解自己的心情,有耐心点,每天都充满激情的读英文,每天都坦然地面对周围地一切。

  11. 要有专一的精神,不要两天学美式的,两天学英式的,我们说这两种发音都挺好的,所以,你喜欢哪种就模仿哪种,而且要保证你所模仿的材料从始到终几乎是那一种发音

  12. 要养成说正确的,地道的英文的习惯,刚开始按照练习手册上最基本的框架进行,不能乱发挥,因为没有深刻的语感,你随时就可能改错,语言的掌握就八个字:“先死后活,死去活来”,等你把书上的句子运用好了,你渐渐就会自我表达了,并且是正确的,地道的英文,所以不要先急着自由表达。

  13. 要敢说英文,不要怕犯错。记住:在你用正确的方法练习之后,你犯的错越多,凭着语感纠正的错误也越多,进步...




摘要: 这几天和正在申请美国高中的两个女生聊天,也谈论她们的申请材料,有两点感触:一个是美国的高中申请好像和大学及研究生院的不同,比较要求图文并茂,各种各样的题材都可以当成补充材料,有很多机会补充自己在作文




2011年高考英语考点大预测 | 高考英语复习四要素 谈初中英语与高中英语衔接 | 吕腾飞老师答疑专贴 高中英语应该怎么学 | 高考英语答题策略与技巧







I hope to embark on an aimless and endless journey, in which I make friends on my way and part with t...