出国留学网专题频道及时行乐栏目,提供与及时行乐相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 出自于:汉乐府《西门行》诗:“夫为乐,为乐当及时。”、《古诗十九首·生年不满百》:“为乐当及时,何能待来兹”、《新刊大宋宣和遗事》:“人生如白驹过隙,倘不及时行乐,则老大徒伤悲也。”此时离行期尚远,正当~,反要伤悲,岂不将好好时光都变成苦海吗?◎清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第六十八回。
成语名称:及时行乐 jí shí xíng lè
[成语解释] 及时:抓紧时机。抓紧时机寻欢作乐。
[成语出处] 《新刊大宋宣和遗事》:“人生如白驹过隙;倘不及时行乐;则老大徒伤悲也!”
[正音] 乐;不能读作“yuè”;行;不能读作“hánɡ”。
[辨形] 及;不能写作“极”。
[近义] 灯红酒绿 醉生梦死 花天酒地
[反义] 奋发图强 乐极生悲
[用法] 多指消极性享乐生活。一般作谓语、宾语、定语、分句。
[结构] 偏正式。
[例句] 青年人应立志报国;不应该形成~的人生观。
[英译] make merry while one can
及时行乐 ( jí shí xíng lè )【解释】:不失时机,寻欢作乐。
【出自】:汉乐府《西门行》诗:“夫为乐,为乐当及时。”《古诗十九首·生年不满百》:“ 为乐当及时,何能待来兹”。《新刊大宋宣和遗事》:“人生如白驹过隙,倘不及时行乐,则老大徒伤悲也。”
【示例】:此时离行期尚远,正当~,反要伤悲,岂不将好好时光都变成苦海吗? ◎清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第六十八回
【英文】:to make merry while one can; (Lat.) carpe diem
【启发】: 勇敢的年轻的心应该知道自己想做什么,并为之付出坚持不懈的努力。
12月23日 出国留学网liuxue86.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。
Wake up everybody!
Time is passing us by!
Time and tide wait for no man.
That's my message today.
Live your life to the fullest.
Live each day as if it were your last!
Seize the day!
Seize the moment!
Let me tell you about carpe diem.
First,carpe diem means seize the day.
It's an ancient Latin term.
It encourages us to be bold and progressive.
i embrace this philosophy.
I suggest that you do too.
It will make your life truly extraordinary.
Carpe diem is an empowering idea.
It's very potent advice.
It inspires me to take action every day.
Second,carpe diem means time is a precious gift.
You only live once.
You can't take it for granted.
Life is not a dress rehearsal.
Life seldom gives you a second chance.
Carpe diem reminds you not to procrastinate.
Be open to risk and chanllengs.
Be open to new opportunities.
Make each day an exciting adventure.
Third,carpe diem means to use time wisely.
Appreciate and be frugal with time.
Appreciate and squeeze every minute out of every hour.
Promise yourself to value time.
Pledge to turn over a new leaf.
Get organized and be more efficient.
Do important things first.
Do what needs to be done.
Don't ever hesitate or put things off.
Fourth,carpe diem means don't waste time.
To do nothing is a crime.
To procrastinate or be passiv...