1) How would you define love? What different kinds of love are there?
2) What are some different ways to express love? Do you think the way you receive love and show love is the same or different? Do you think that the people you love know you love them?
3) What do you think about telling someone, “I love you”? When do you think that is appropriate? When is it inappropriate? Is it as meaningful if you say it in a language that‟s not your native language?
4) Why is love important? Do you think love is as important as movies and songs imply that it is? What kind of love is most important?
1) What do you think it means to be wise? What does it mean to be foolish?
2) How do you think people become wise? Can all people become wise or are some people incapable of becoming wise? Why?
3) How is a wise person‟s behavior different from that of a foolish person? Who is the wisest person you know? How do they act out their wisdom?
4) Plato once said: “Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.” What do you think is the relationship between a fool and a fool‟s need to say something? Do you think of wise people as being talkative or quiet?
1) Who chose your name? Why did they choose that name? Do you like your name? If you could change your name, would you?
2) What‟s the meaning of your name? Do you think a person‟s name affects their personality? Have you ever disliked a person because of their name?
3) Do you have a nickname? How did you get this nickname? What‟s the funniest nickname you‟ve heard another person called?
4) Do you think it‟s better to give a child a more common name or an unusual name? What do you think China should do about the problem of having too many people with the same name/family name?
1. Describe a celebration, public event or moment that is most impressive to you.Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
2. Describe a ceremony or public event that you attended. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
3. Describe a challenging experience you had and how you overcame that challenge.Include reasons and examples to support your response.
4. Describe a disappointing event or experience in your life. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
5. Describe a leisure activity you often do in your spare time. Explain why you often do it. Please include reasons and examples to support your response.
6. Describe a memorable event that you experienced with you families or friends. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples in your response.
7. Describe a memorial you attended. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
8. Describe a social or political event celebrated in your country. Explain how people in your country celebrate it. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
9. Describe a successful event in your life. Explain how you made it. Include reasons and e...
面对现在市面上各色的听力、口语训练材料(training material),就犹如面对满目琳琅之超级卖场的商品(merchandize),往往不知该从何下手,其实训练材料的选择直接关乎到训练的结果(result)。错误的材料导致错误的效果(effect),而正确的材料用于错误的对象导致错误的搭配(matching)。
听力本身的提高(improvement)源于听力词汇量(即指听到后能立刻反应其意思的词汇)的增大与对不同地方口音(accent)的识别(recognition)能力的加强。就词汇量而言,需要根据读者自身情况进行因材施教,一般而言,该材料的阅读生词量(即指看到后能直接反应其意思的词汇)应控制在5%以内,类似《走遍美国》(Family Album),《空中美语教室》(Studio Classroom)等都比较适合推荐(recommend)给有一定英语基础的读者(reader),而《色拉英语》(Salad English)则适合基础相对较薄弱的读者循序渐进,因为其词汇量的安排也是由浅入深的一个变化过程(process)。以上材料的一大共同特色,也是学习听力的教材所必须具备的,是以场景(scene)为单位的安排模式(mode)。该模式从生活实用性角度而言是最为科学的(scientific)。当读者具备一定词汇量后可以开始涉足一些电影材料的学习,但就选材而言,以生活片、伦理片、爱情片等为宜,诸如《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)、《公主日记》(Princess Diary)等。因为这些片种更接近日常生活的表达(expression),因此其词汇的选择更为实用(practical),尤其值得一提的是Disney的真人片一般都简单易懂贴近生活(life)。应当注意避免使用以动作片为代表的语言含量过少的片种,以及以科幻片为代表的词汇过难的片种,类似《黑衣人》(Man in Black)、《星球大战》(Star Wars)等恰恰两者兼而有之。
就口音识别能力的提高,则需要尽量接触各种类型的发音特色(characteristic),这一点在选材上较为困难(difficult),一般而言BBC能满足对英音的需求(demand),而VOA则能满足对美音的需求,但两者就词汇量而言还是有一定难度,尤其是它们都以新闻素材为主。因此就英音和美音而言,推荐使用《新概念英语》(New Concept English),该教材本来就有4册按难度排列,另外也有英音和美音版的音像素材可供学习,当然,早期的一些类似《英语900句》之类的教材的配套听力素材对听说能力相对薄弱的同学来说,也不失为一种不错的选择(choice)。而其他的一些发音特色往往比较难以获得,类似《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)的阿拉巴马音(Alabama Tone)为美国南部乡村(village)发音特色;一些动画中的发音夸张化特色,尤以Disney为甚;而西班牙音,亦称拉丁音,主要源于拉丁美洲人进入美国后所产生,该发音在美国电影中经常可以接触到,诸如《越狱》中菲尔南多?苏克雷(Sucre)等,但如果要典型的(typical)浓重拉丁口音,则需要从雅思考试(IELTS)的一些素材中予以提取,有时间或可以在一些英语版的拉美片中找到其踪迹;印度音在中国相对最难接触到,但如果身边公司里有印度的工作人...