The founder of Doshisha, Joseph Neesima, studied at Phillips Academy, Amherst College and Andover Theological Seminary in the US, and became the first Japanese citizen to earn academic degrees from higher education institutions in the West. Upon founding Doshisha, Neesima presented ‘internationalism’ as one of its fundamental educational ideals, advocating the importance of ‘viewing and learning from the world’. With Neesima’s spirit still very much alive through the campus, Doshisha supports young adventurers who have a keen desire to see, feel and experience the world by offering rich and diverse overseas learning programs.
同志社大学的创始人Joseph Neesima曾在美国的菲利普斯学院、阿默斯特学院和安多弗神学院学习,是第一个获得西方高等教育机构学位证书的日本公民。建立同志社大学之后,Joseph Neesima将“国际主义”作为基本的教育理念,强调“开眼看世界和向世界学习”的重要性。今天,Joseph Neesima的精神仍在同志社大学校园广受欢迎,学校也通过提供丰富而差异化的海外学习项目,支持有强烈的观察世界、感受世界和体验世界愿望的敢于冒险的青年学生。
Inter-University Agreement
Doshisha University has concluded a student exchange agreement with 138 universities in 34 countries and regions (as of Aug 31, 2015). The agreement involves Doshisha sending its students to overseas partner universities for a period of six months or one year during their time at university. Currently more than 200 students can enroll in the program. Most st...