
出国留学网专题频道同音词栏目,提供与同音词相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! “同音异义词”的别称。同音词指的是声、韵、调完全相同,而意义完全不同的一组词。语言的音节是有限的,要表示越来越多的客观事物就必然会产生一些同音词。同音词在语言中可以用来构成谐音双关的修辞手法,如毛泽东的一句词“杨柳轻飏”表面上写杨花柳絮,实则指杨姓、柳姓二烈士。以北京语音为标准音、以北方话为基础方言、以典范的现代白话文着作为语法规范的现代汉语(即普通话)中,音节总数只有407个,如果按照GB2312 80《信息交换用汉语编码字符集(基本集)》收录的6763个汉字进行统计,音节总数只有397个,加上“四声”的变化,现代汉语的音节总数也不超过1500个。同音词常使语义表达不明。同音词的大量存在也使得许多人在汉字的书写上出现众多的别字。





  eight - number between 7 and 9, 八

  ate - past tense of eat, 吃的过去式

  bear - a big, hairy animal

  bear - to be able to withstand something

  bare - exposed

  bred - past tense of breed 繁殖的过去式

  bread - a type of food 面包

  be - is 主动词 be

  bee - an insect 蜜蜂

  caught - past tense of catch 抓的过去式

  ccot - a portable bed that folds for storage 轻便小床

  fan - a device for moving air 风扇

  fan - short for fanatic 狂热,爱好者

  groan - noise made in misery 呻吟

  grown - fully mature 长大的

  hart- 雄鹿

  heart - energetic or enthusiastic 心脏

  herd - a group of animals 牧群

  heard - past tense of hear 听的过去式

  I - me, myself 我

  eye - body part we see with 眼睛

  made - past tense of make 做的过去式

  maid - a lady that cleans home or hotels for a living 女佣

  no - opposite of yes 不

  know - be aware of something 知道

  rows - plural of row = a row (line, queue) of vegetables planted in a farmer's field, a row of seats in a theatre 行,排

  rows - present tense of row, as in rowing a boat (propelling a boat through the water with a paddle) 划船的现在式

  rose - a beautiful flower that grows on a thorny stem 玫瑰

  wring - twist 绞,扭

  ring - noise a bell makes 敲钟,打电话

  scent - s...




  eight - number between 7 and 9, 8

  ate - past tense of eat, 吃的过去式

  bear - a big, hairy animal

  bear - to be able to withstand something

  bare - exposed

  bred - past tense of breed 繁殖的过去式

  bread - a type of food 面包

  be - is 主动词 be

  bee - an insect 蜜蜂

  caught - past tense of catch 抓的过去式

  cot - a portable bed that folds for storage 轻便小床

  fan - a device for moving air 风扇

  fan - short for fanatic 狂热,爱好者

  groan - noise made in misery 呻吟

  grown - fully mature 长大的

  hart- 雄鹿

  heart - energetic or enthusiastic 心脏

  herd - a group of animals 牧群

  heard - past tense of hear 听的过去式

  I - me, myself 我

  eye - body part we see with 眼睛

  made - past tense of make 做的过去式

  maid - a lady that cleans home or hotels for a living 女佣

  no - opposite of yes 不

  know - be aware of something 知道

  roes - plural of roe = an argument 雌鹿的过去式

  rows - plural of row = a row (line, queue) of vegetables planted in a farmer’s field, a row of seats in a theatre 行,排

  rows - present tense of row, as in rowing a boat (propelling a boat through the water with a paddle) 划船的现在式

  rose - a beautiful flower that grows on a thorny stem 玫瑰

  wring - twist 绞...





  eight - number between 7 and 9, 八

  ate - past tense of eat, 吃的过去式

  bear - a big, hairy animal

  bear - to be able to withstand something

  bare - exposed

  bred - past tense of breed 繁殖的过去式

  bread - a type of food 面包

  be - is 主动词 be

  bee - an insect 蜜蜂

  caught - past tense of catch 抓的过去式

  ccot - a portable bed that folds for storage 轻便小床

  fan - a device for moving air 风扇

  fan - short for fanatic 狂热,爱好者

  groan - noise made in misery 呻吟

  grown - fully mature 长大的

  hart- 雄鹿

  heart - energetic or enthusiastic 心脏

  herd - a group of animals 牧群

  heard - past tense of hear 听的过去式

  I - me, myself 我

  eye - body part we see with 眼睛

  made - past tense of make 做的过去式

  maid - a lady that cleans home or hotels for a living 女佣

  no - opposite of yes 不

  know - be aware of something 知道

  roes - plural of roe = an argument 雌鹿的过去式

  rows - plural of row = a row (line, queue) of vegetables planted in a farmer's field, a row of seats in a theatre 行,排

  rows - present tense of row, as in rowing a boat (propelling a boat through the water with a paddle) 划船的现在式

  rose - a beautiful flower that grows on a thorny stem 玫瑰...




  eight - number between 7 and 9, 8

  ate - past tense of eat, 吃的过去式

  bear - a big, hairy animal

  bear - to be able to withstand something

  bare - exposed

  bred - past tense of breed 繁殖的过去式

  bread - a type of food 面包

  be - is 主动词 be

  bee - an insect 蜜蜂

  caught - past tense of catch 抓的过去式

  cot - a portable bed that folds for storage 轻便小床

  fan - a device for moving air 风扇

  fan - short for fanatic 狂热,爱好者

  groan - noise made in misery 呻吟

  grown - fully mature 长大的

  hart- 雄鹿

  heart - energetic or enthusiastic 心脏

  herd - a group of animals 牧群

  heard - past tense of hear 听的过去式

  I - me, myself 我

  eye - body part we see with 眼睛

  made - past tense of make 做的过去式

  maid - a lady that cleans home or hotels for a living 女佣

  no - opposite of yes 不

  know - be aware of something 知道

  roes - plural of roe = an argument 雌鹿的过去式

  rows - plural of row = a row (line, queue) of vegetables planted in a farmer's field, a row of seats in a theatre 行,排

  rows - present tense of row, as in rowing a boat (propelling a boat through the water with a paddle) 划船的现在式

  rose - a beautiful flower that grows on a thorny stem 玫瑰

  wring - twist 绞,扭

  ring - noise a...





  eight - number between 7 and 9, 8

  ate - past tense of eat, 吃的过去式

  bear - a big, hairy animal

  bear - to be able to withstand something

  bare - exposed

  bred - past tense of breed 繁殖的过去式

  bread - a type of food 面包

  be - is 主动词 be

  bee - an insect 蜜蜂

  caught - past tense of catch 抓的过去式

  cot - a portable bed that folds for storage 轻便小床

  fan - a device for moving air 风扇

  fan - short for fanatic 狂热,爱好者

  groan - noise made in misery 呻吟

  grown - fully mature 长大的

  hart- 雄鹿

  heart - energetic or enthusiastic 心脏

  herd - a group of animals 牧群

  heard - past tense of hear 听的过去式

  I - me, myself 我

  eye - body part we see with 眼睛

  made - past tense of make 做的过去式

  maid - a lady that cleans home or hotels for a living 女佣

  no - opposite of yes 不

  know - be aware of something 知道

  roes - plural of roe = an argument 雌鹿的过去式

  rows - plural of row = a row (line, queue) of vegetables planted in a farmer's field, a row of seats i...




  eight - number between 7 and 9, 8

  ate - past tense of eat, 吃的过去式

  bear - a big, hairy animal

  bear - to be able to withstand something

  bare - exposed

  bred - past tense of breed 繁殖的过去式

  bread - a type of food 面包

  be - is 主动词 be

  bee - an insect 蜜蜂

  caught - past tense of catch 抓的过去式

  cot - a portable bed that folds for storage 轻便小床

  fan - a device for moving air 风扇

  fan - short for fanatic 狂热,爱好者

  groan - noise made in misery 呻吟

  grown - fully mature 长大的

  hart- 雄鹿

  heart - energetic or enthusiastic 心脏

  herd - a group of animals 牧群

  heard - past tense of hear 听的过去式

  I - me, myself 我

  eye - body part we see with 眼睛

  made - past tense of make 做的过去式

  maid - a lady that cleans home or hotels for a living 女佣

  no - opposite of yes 不

  know - be aware of something 知道

  roes - plural of roe = an argument 雌鹿的过去式

  rows - plural of row = a row (line, queue) of vegetables planted in a farmer's field, a row of seats in a theatre 行,排

  rows - present tense of row, as in rowing a boat (propelling a boat through the water with a paddle) 划船的现在式





  eight - number between 7 and 9, 8

  ate - past tense of eat, 吃的过去式

  bear - a big, hairy animal

  bear - to be able to withstand something

  bare - exposed

  bred - past tense of breed 繁殖的过去式

  bread - a type of food 面包

  be - is 主动词 be

  bee - an insect 蜜蜂

  caught - past tense of catch 抓的过去式

  cot - a portable bed that folds for storage 轻便小床

  fan - a device for moving air 风扇

  fan - short for fanatic 狂热,爱好者

  groan - noise made in misery 呻吟

  grown - fully mature 长大的

  hart- 雄鹿

  heart - energetic or enthusiastic 心脏

  herd - a group of animals 牧群

  heard - past tense of hear 听的过去式

  I - me, myself 我

  eye - body part we see with 眼睛

  made - past tense of make 做的过去式

  maid - a lady that cleans home or hotels for a living 女佣

  no - opposite of yes 不

  know - be aware of something 知道

  roes - plural of roe = an argument 雌鹿的过去式

  rows - plural of row = a row (line, queue) of vegetables planted in a farmer’s field, a row of seats in a theatre 行,排

  rows - present tense of row, as in rowing a boat (propelling a boat through the water with a paddle) 划船的现在式

  rose - a beautiful flower that grows on a thorny stem 玫瑰

  wring - twist 绞,扭


高考资源网语文:近义词 同音词辨析


标签: 高考语文


  择要 摘要



  战争 战事



  侦查 侦察

  “侦查”法律术语 “侦察”是军事术语。

  振荡 震荡



  指使 支使

  “指使”意为出主意叫别人去做事,一般不公开的“指使 ”,


  志哀 致哀



  制订 制定



  置疑 质疑



  中止 终止

  中止:(做事)中途停止 终止:结束,停止

  终身 终生



  逐步 逐渐 逐步:一步一步地(有阶段性) 逐渐:渐渐

  捉摸 琢磨


  琢磨:1)雕刻和打磨(玉石) 2)加工使精美。(指文章) 3)反复思索。

  咨询 垂询

  咨询:征求意见 垂询:询问(敬词)

  自许 自诩

  自许:自己称许自己,自负而又自信 自诩:自夸

  自愿 志愿



  自制 自治

  自制:克制自己 自治:自己治理,行使权力 民族~

  作客 做客

  作客:寄居别处 ~他乡 做客:到别人家去,自己是客人







1. It takes us an hour to do our homework every day. 我们每天花一小时做作业。

2. Their schools are over there. 他们的学校在那儿。

3. Please give two oranges to the girl, too . 请也给那女孩两只桔子。

4. Please come and eat pears in pairs . 请两人一组来吃梨。

5. It's eating its meat. 它在吃它的肉。

6. Hi , can you see the bird high in the sky ? 喂,看见鸟儿在空中高高地飞吗?

7. She knows her nose is very big and beautiful. 她知道她的鼻子很大很漂亮。

8. Who's spelling the word “ whose ”? 谁在拼读单词“ whose ”?

9. There's a box on the desk. I think it's theirs . 桌上有只箱子,我想是他们的。

10. It can't be a bee . 它不可能是一只蜜蜂。

11. Ah , you are a good girl. 啊,你是个好孩子。

12. I must go to buy a new pencil by bike. . Bye-bye . 我得骑自行车买支新铅笔,再见!

13. I can see it with my left eye . 我可以用左眼看它。

14. Can you hear the birds singing here ? 你能听见这里的鸟叫吗?

15. Please write it down on the right side. 请在右边把它写下来。

16. Can you see the sea ? 你看见海洋了吗?

17. I have four pieces of bread for breakfast. 我早饭吃四片面包。

18. No , I don't know it at all. 不,我一点也不知道这件事。

19. If dogs meet some meat , they must have a good meal. 如果狗见了肉,它们准会大吃一顿。

20. My little son likes watching the sun in the morning. 我的小儿子喜欢早上看太阳。





1.sun son

2.too two to

3.see sea

4.our hour

5.there their

6.where wear

7.meet meat

8.right write

9.four for

10.bye by buy

11.be bee

12.I eye

13.are ah

14.here hear

15.week weak

16.hi high

17.pear pair

18.whole hole

19.weather whether

20.no know

21.dear deer

22.story storey

23.mail male

24.steal steel

25.tail tale

26.hair hare

1.Bb be bee

2.Cc see sea

3.Ii eye

4.Oo oh

5.Pp pea

6.Qq queue

7.Rr are ah

8.Tt tea

9.Uu you

10.Yy why

1.aren’t aunt

2.red read(过去式/过去分词的发音)

3.eight ate

4.theirs there’s

5.father farther

6.one won

7.through threw

8.wore war

9.would wood

10.new knew

11.blue blew

12.whose who’s

13.knows nose

14.its it’s

15.past passed

16.road rode(ride的过去式)

17.ours hours

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