在BEC考试中,试题都为了考査和测试考生的识读、理解视觉信息的能力。BEC Higher Writing Test第一部分试题旨在测试考生是否具有把视觉信息转化为书面文字表达的能力。考生在规定的时间内做好这种试题,除了必要的语言表达能力外,还必须掌握把图表转换成文字表述的技巧和要领。
做好这部分考题,首先要理解题目的背景语言资料和视觉资料。 背景语言资料往往非常简单,通常是配合视觉资料而给出的必要的简要文字说明。严格来说,这种文字说明应该是视觉信息的一部分,因为一个图表或图示没有文字说明,就会毫无意义。因此,把握好题目的视觉信息是做好这部分考题的关键。对一个视觉信息,从不同的角度可进行多种分析,得出多种相关结论,限于答题宇数的要求,通常写作题目中会明确指定一到两个分析方向,但也只是提供了分析的方向,没有具体的分析细节,更没有分析结论。
对多数中国考生来说,由于习惯于宏观分析,由于汉语语汇丰富,由于许多词汇释义笼统容易产生歧义,由于大都习惯于先用汉语表述再把汉语转译成英语,而很少运用直观的视觉手段去表达思想, 因而“读图”对中国考生来说是比较陌生的难题,更不用说根据图表进行分析,直接用英语表述并得出结论。本单元就视觉信息可能出现的种类以及相应的分析和结论做出举例和解说,希望考生能够熟悉这些图形,掌握解答考题的方法和步骤,正确分析图表,用英语进行表述并得出结论。
A motivation survey
Sample answer: (116words)
A number of employees clearly suffer from a lack of motivation as a result of dissatisfaction in one or more areas of their work. The key findings are outlined below:
Staff feel undervalued by the company, both on a financial and a personal level. It is generally felt that the companyˇs competitors offer higher levels of remuneration. The perception that the managers are unappreciative of staff efforts is particularly noticeable in the Sales Department.
Certain employees feel under-challenged. The company is clearly not exploiting its human resources.
There appears to be a breakdown of communication in the Production Department. The confusion and resultant ill-feeling towards managers has the potential to disrupt the production cycles.
We strongly recommend the following measures:
An evaluation of job profiles throughout the company to assess whether skills could be utilised more efficiently
A review of the current salary structure involving the comparison with similar organisations
It is also essential to investigate and take action regarding the communication in the Production and Sales Department.
Dear Jacek
Further to our conversation of 11 November, I writing to confirm your visit. Since this will be your first trip to the United Kingdom, I include some information about the way we operate.
The first meeting is scheduled for 11.15am and you should be ready to start promptly. Some people say that the British have a rather relaxed attitude to time and that starting 15 minutes late is normal. However, Jim Walsh, the Head of Sales, is extremely keen on punctuality, so do not be tempted to take any risks.
One difference between this office and yours that you may notice is the apparent lack of formality between colleagues here. In British it is usual to use a person's first name once you have been introduced and you will be invited to do so. Also, please do not feel offended if our staff here do not use your professional title; only the medical doctors are given the title ‘Doctor' here. As I said, especially between colleagues, it is common simply to use a person's first name.
A number of our managers are women and you should be aware that they are treated in exactly the same way as their male counterparts.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on 020 779 2603.
I look forward to seeing you on 8 December.
Yours sincerely
Resource Planning Manager: Assessment of Suitability for Home-based Working
The purpose of this report is to assess the suitability of my position as Resource Planning Manager for home-based working.
My working pattern and that of my colleagues varies from week to week. During certain periods a large proportion of my time is spent doing fieldwork. This is followed by office-based collating and recording the data collected. Once the results have been recorded, I proof-read the colour copies of all reports and maps.
As regards communication with colleagues, department meetings are held once a fortnight. At other times, the individual members of the team communicate either face-to-face or by phone, depending on their location. Apart from official meetings, the same results can be achieved whether I am in the office or working elsewhere.
It is clearly that I could be able to undertake the duties while working from home for a large proportion of my time. Clearly, some days would be spent in the office for face-to-face communication with colleagues. It would also be necessary to use the technical facilities at times. However, in order to be able to work effectively from home, I would need to be provided with a networked computer and printer.
1. William Shakespeare is British. He was considered to be one of the greatest writers in England. He was famous for his plays.
2. William Shakespeare, a British, who was considered to be one of the greatest writers in England, was famous for his plays.
【Lesson17, NCEIII】Verrazano, an Italian about whom little is known, sailed into New York Harbor in 1524 and named it Angouleme.
【Lesson24, NCEIII】… the heroine, a dear old lady, wh...
Report 部门工作总结
This report aims at outlining which aspects of our department function most effectively, which ones need improvement and how to achieve an efficient improvement.
First of all, it needs to be stressed out that the majority of the team generally shows a real team spirit, is willing to do his best to prioritize some smooth interactions with customers and is not reluctant to work outside the normal working hours.
On top of that, every member of the team has been carefully selected for his/her excellent qualifications in terms of negotiating skills and communications abilities.
As a result, it came out of the recent survey, conducted with most of our customers, that our department has an excellent image outside the company.
Unfortunately, however, some aspects appear to be less brilliant. As part of our sales force, people spend most of their time on the phone and cannot fit any training course within their schedule. As there is no clear strategy to encourage the employees to attend training courses, they may feel guilty to decide to use part of their working time to get a better knowledge on a computer software for instance.
This being, said, I strongly recommend to define a clear strategy encouraging people to register, at least, to two training courses, each year.
This woul...