【原文】Application Process
【原文】Our program is intended for students continuing from Emory or Oxford Colleges. You are eligible to enter the BBA Program once you have successfully attained junior standing based on your academic credit hours earned and have completed the pre-requisites for the program. We accept applications in the semester prior to the one in which you intend to enroll.
Your college record serves as a predictor of success and admission will be based on academic performance as well as leadership and engagement. In addition to seeking students with strong academic records overall, we select candidates who display academic aptitude for BBA coursework by earning an average of at least a B+ in business pre-admission courses and who show evidence of professional promise through involvement in diverse activities and strong letters of recommendation.
For more information on admissions, contact:
Jessica Lowy, MPH
Associate Director, BBA/Pre-BBA Advising and Programming
(404) 727-2713