First-Time Freshman:Also referred to as a new freshman, this is a student who starts at KU immediately after graduating from high school or has never attended another college or postsecondary institution. Students who graduate from high school in spring and enroll at KU for fall of the same calendar year are first-time freshmen, regardless of the number of college or advanced placement credits earned.
Standard Tuition Rates:These are the per-credit-hour rates that all KU resident and nonresident students will pay. Since standard tuition rates are set annually by the Kansas Board of Regents, future standard tuition rates are unknown.
Compact Tuition Rates:Compact Tuition is available as an option to first-time, degree seeking freshmen (both resident and non-resident). This tuition has the same rate for four years starting freshman year and is designed to provide financial predictability, account for future inflation and increases in tuition. Therefore it is higher at the onset because it is an average of what the university anticipates four years at KU will cost.
Required Campus Fees:These are campus fees, approved by and paid by all students, to support services and programs on campus, such as health, recreation, transportation and student activities.
Course Fees:Course Fees are an additional per-credit-hour ch...
堪萨斯大学(University of Kansas,简称KU)建校于1862年,坐落在美国堪萨斯州的劳伦斯市,占地约1100英亩,现已成为美国主要的公立研究型大学之一。校内博物馆、研究中心林立,并提供有相当多的奖学金机会给研究生。
堪萨斯大学设有16个学院(Academic Schools)、200多项专业课程,约有30,000位学生在此学习,专任教师就有2,100人之多,其中92%拥有该学术领域的最高学历与权威。堪萨斯大学是全美就读后投资报酬率最高(the Best Buys of 2004 list)的公立大学之一。堪萨斯大学被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为美国前50的公立大学,全球排名204,一直以来被公认为是全美顶级的研究型大学,学校的城市规划专业排名全美第1,公共管理、临床心理学、艺术学等专业都是全美前10的顶尖专业。堪萨斯大学走出了许多社会各界的知名校友。