because I always miss you in my life!不管在哪里,生日都是被重视的,我们会发送生日祝福语以表达自己内心的期盼。出国留学网编辑为此仔细地整理了以下内容《女朋友生日祝福语英文简短独特》,欢迎大家参阅本文句子!
1、moon one day yesterday, the round moon, tonight you are the most beautiful.
2、love you more and more, you are my favorite person in this world, I
3、love you more than I can say.
4、SMS is my beating heart, the jumping character is my passionate love!
5、Envy you your birthday is so romantic, full of a quality suggestive of
6、Acquaintance with you is a kind of fate, falls in love with you is a
7、Birthday, I wish you peace out of the harbour!
8、birthday to you!
9、friendship, happy birthday to you an endless enjoyment.
10、seems indeed to have improved your looks. Happy Birthday to you!
11、Today is your birthday, to congratulate all the ladies' room and
12、"Happy Birthday, my love. A hundred kisses from me to you."
13、“Thinking what my life would be like if you had not been born today
14、May the sun shine for you and bring you joy every day.
15、with you forever.
16、"May your birthday be filled with smiles, sunshine, love, and
17、Wishing you ??glad days filled with friendliness,bright days filled with
18、Wife, today is your birthday, when you open the phone for the first
19、laugh, is worthy of a melon! Happy birthday to you!
21、Happy bir...
1. 祝福我的老婆大人生日快乐,你总是那么妩媚动人,那么美丽多姿!
2. Happy birthday to my wife, you are always so charming, so beautiful!
3. 岁月总是愈来愈短,生日总是愈来愈快,友情总是愈来愈浓,我的祝福也就愈来愈深。
4. Time is always more and more short, birthday is always more and more fast, friendship is always more and more strong, my blessing is more and more deep.
5. 以我忠贞的爱情,祝福你生日快乐!
6. My love, bless you Happy birthday!
7. 爱人是辛苦的,被爱是幸福的;每个人都幸福地接受着爱,辛苦地爱着人!
8. Love is hard, love is happy; everyone is happy to accept love, hard to love people!
9. 热烈祝贺你的生日,捎给你我对你的爱,也寄来一件小礼物。多保重!
10. Warmly congratulate you on your birthday. I send you my love and a small gift for you. Take care!
11. 你我约定,一争吵很快要喊停,也说好没有秘密,彼此很透明!爱你!
12. You and I agreed to a quarrel soon stopped, also said there is no secret, each other is transparent! Love you!
13. 短信代表我的心,网络传达我的情;佳人何日能相会,千百里外有知音。
14. SMS network communication on behalf of my heart, my love; I can meet with the wind, thousands of miles to have a bosom friend.
15. 用我所有的爱祝你生日快乐!你需要我时我会在你身旁。祝你快乐,一年比一年更爱你!
16. Happy birthday with all my love! I'll be there when you need me. May you be happy and love you more each year!
17. 你是哈密我是瓜,生日你不笨瓜瓜,看了短信笑哈哈,不愧是个哈密瓜!祝你生日快乐!
18. You are my Hami melon birthday...
我把全部的爱都献给你,心上的人儿。你可曾知道,有一个人爱你至深,这爱情无日终止, 与日俱增,下面出国留学网编辑为你带来女朋友生日祝福语英文,欢迎阅读,仅供参考。
1. Happy birthday to an attractive, intellectual, sophisticated and all round splendid person.
2. 祝福一位美丽迷人,聪明大方,成熟端庄,又倍受赞叹的妙人儿,生日快乐。
3. Love is always my gift to you.Happy Birthday!
4. 爱恋永远是我给你的礼物。生日快乐!
5. Happy birthday to an attractive, intellectual, sophisticated and all round splendid person.
6. 祝福一位美丽迷人,聪明大方,成熟端庄,又倍受赞叹的妙人儿,生日快乐。
7. Roses, sweet and fragrant, sent to you to say,May each hour be a happy one on this special day.Have a happy birthday!
8. 送你一束甜蜜芬芳的玫瑰,她对你说,今天的喜庆分外美妙,每时每刻都同样幸福,令人陶醉祝你生日快乐!
9. “Thinking what my life would be like if you had not been born today years ago, I realize the situation would not be pretty. Happy Birthday."
10. 如果你在这天没有出生我的生命会是多么糟糕啊,至少肯定不会这么棒,生日快乐。
11. I am infinitely grateful that you are in my small life. Happiest of Birthdays from your dear friend."
12. 感激你成为我小小人生中的一部分,这一天祝福我亲爱的朋友无比开心。
13. To you, sweetheart, with all my love.There’s someone who loves you far more than you know with a love that keeps growing as days come and go.Have a very happy birthday!
14. 我把全部的爱都献给你,心上的人儿。你可曾知道,有一个人爱你至深,这爱情无日终止, 与日俱增。祝你生日格外快乐!
1. Love is always my gift to you.Happy Birthday!
2. 爱恋永远是我给你...