Aaron Jones
123 A Street
Citycenter, NY
September 21, 2012
Scott Smith
345 B Street
Citycenter, NY
Dear Mr. Smith,
I am pleased to recommend May Williams for the Master’s program at State University. May has been a student in many of my classes during the past four years, so I have learned a great deal about her and her abilities, and I knows he would do well if given the opportunity to continue her education.
May’s determination to succeed has led her to excel in my classes. She consistently gets excellent marks on her homework and tests, and she participates in class regularly. Her knowledge of the Spanish language convinced me to ask her to become a tutor for other students who were struggling with the language—a challenge that she met with great success. The students she tutored significantly improved their grades, and some have even chosen Spanish as their majors.
Compared to the other students in class, May’s grades have always been at the top. This has led other students in her classes to ask her for help if they do not understand a lesson. Despite her busy schedule, May always balances her time, so she can help anyone who needs assistance with the language.
During the years I’ve know...