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1. a bolt from the blue
这条短语在所有讲英语的国家中使用得都很广泛。而它的含义也正如其字面意义一样,不难理解。bolt一词指的是霹雳,而 blue则指碧蓝的天空,英语词典一般将其解释为:some thing sudden and unexpected,也就是“突如其来、始料不及”的意思。
在日常口语会话中,人们也常用 out of来代替介词from。
如:we had been sure she was in chicago, so her sudden appearance was a bolt out of the blue。
miss anne has just got her salary raised,so her decision to resign was a bolt from the blue.
2.At sixes and sevens
"I am at sixes and sevens about what to do." 根据上下文,你可能可以猜出这句话的大概意思—我心中七上八下,拿不定主意该怎么办。原来我们中文里经常说的“七上八下”、“乱七八糟”“杂乱无章”在英文中却是“at sixes and sevens”(六上七下)。
别看“at sixes and sevens”这个短语乔叟时代就出现了,在当今的英语中它仍然十分活跃,在近期的新闻标题里屡屡可以看到这个短语的身影,例如:"Phone Codes at Sixes and Sevens"; "Church of England at Sixes and Sevens over Child Communion ."
那么这个短语有什么来历呢?在相关的说法中,最有说服力的一种是说sixes and sevens和中世纪一种叫做"hazard"的掷骰游戏有关。骰子上最大的数字是五和六, 当时有一个法语短语“to set on cinque (法语,five) and sice (six)”,意思是“押5点和6点”,这是要冒很大的风险的。到了乔叟生活的时代,"five and six"被改成了“six and seven”,当然了,短语的意义也就发生了变化,因为这个数字根本不可能被掷出来,所以它的意思变成了“不惜冒一切风险”。为了掷骰赌博而不惜一切代价,那么这个人一定处于不理智的状态。到了16世纪,six and seven就有“混乱、没有头绪”的意思。在沙翁作品《理查二世》中,约克公爵说:"But time will not permit: all is uneven, And everything is left at six and seven."
3.Black and white
abyss hole so deep as to appear bottomless
acquiesce agree, accept without protest
affable polite and friendly, easy to talk to
affliction distress, suffering
affluent wealthy, abundant
agitate move, shake, stir up
ambiguousshavingsmore then one meaning
annex take possession of
aqueous of or like water
arduous demanding great effort, strenuous
aroma quality or surrounding atmosphere considered typical
atone make repayment
avarice greed
bellicose inclined to fighting
calisthenics exercises to develop strong bodies
captor person who takes smb captive
concoct invent, prepare by mixing together
dangle hand or swing loosely
deprive take away from, prevent from using
diligent hard-working
disrobe undress
docile easily trained or controlled
doleful dismal, mourful
drought a long period of dry weather
dubious feeling doubt
dumbfound astonish
efface rub or wipe out, obliterate
elucidate to make understandable
enchant charm, delight
endeavor to make an effort, to try very hard
endorse approve, support a claim or statement
enthral take the whole attention, enslave