That is a good advice for any leader in a senior position: remain open to ideas from anywhere. I recall a CEO I worked for who regularly called front line staffin his company. He wanted to keep tabs on the pulse of the organization but also to glean suggestions that may have.
When a leader demonstrates he is open to new ideas, he makes it known thathe values others. One executive I know in health care makes it a practice tokeep her door open to anyone in the company. That sets the tone for other executives in the organization. Such a practice goes more than gleaning for the “next big thing,” it communicates that the leader values the contributions of others.
Time, as anyone in charge knows, is a leader’s chief resource. He or she must spend it wisely. And when a leader chooses to spend that time listening to others, or even rejecting their idea with reasons why, they demonstrate a keen understanding of people.
Rejecting ideas with reasons is an acknowledgement of personal dignity. It connotes that you care about something about the other person – not in a touchy-feely way – but in a manner that is professional. It shows that a leader respects other people. Respect is an all too often neglected aspect of leadership.
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