






  四 冒号 Colon


  1 List:


  The store will close at noon on the following dates: November 26, December 24, and December 31.

  2 Long Quotation:

  In his book Life Lines, Forrest Church maintains that people should cry more: “Life is difficult. Some people pretend that it is not, that we should be able to breeze through. Yet hardly a week passes in which most of us don’t have something worth crying about. ”

  3 Explanation:

  Here’s a temporary solution to a dripping faucet: Tie a string to it, and let the drops slide down the string to the sink.

  五 分号 Semicolon

  1 用来分隔两个单独的句子,有时可以看作是句号


  Lonnie heard a noise and looked out the window; the only thing there was his reflection.

  He checked on the new baby every five minutes; he was afraid something would happen to her.

  Lizards become sluggish at night; they need the sun’s warmth to maintain an active body temperature.

  The large dog was growling at me; there were white bubbles of foam around its mouth.

  We knew a power failure had occurred; all the clocks in the building were forty-seven minutes slow.

  2 用来分隔列举的个体(在个体内部使用逗号的时候)。


  Maya’s children are named Melantha, which means “bl...