其次,Paraphrase,也就是改写。掌握好了改写句子,你写起文章来将会感觉到如鱼得水,游刃有余。 改写其实主要有下面的两种方法:
important→essential, crucial, vital, significant
think→claim, believe, consider, deem, figureout
nowadays→currently, at present, now, recently, in recent years, these days
n. → v.
Eg:When we look at a comparison
between A and B…
When we compare A and B…
Adj. → n.
There are a variety of solutions
to the problem.
There are various solutions to the problem.
c. 使用不同的承接词。承接词在文章当中的使用相当频繁,不仅是段落和段落的连接,还包括句子和句子的连接。背住一些常用的承接词比你的改写将会有极大的作用。
because of → due to, owing to, because, as, since, for
but → however, nevertheless, nonetheless, whereas
so → therefore, hence, thus, consequently
Eg: not as easy as…→more difficult than…
Not uncommon→common
The cheapest → the least expensive
a. 改变词序。这是非常简单的一种方法,完全不用动脑筋就可以进行改写。常常将句子中的状语(包括状语从句)换位置。
Eg: For many years, people have bel...
在TOEFL iBT Official Guide(托福官方指南,以下简称OG)中明确指出托福独立写作有三大考查维度:Development(展开论点),Organization(组织文章结构)和Language Use(语言运用)。因此,除了注意作文的内容和结构外,阅卷老师同样十分注重我们在作文中表现出来的语言基本功。
托福独立写作部分对于我们写作的总体要求是consistent facility in the use of language(语言运用的和谐流畅),给我们的具体建议是a variety of sentence structures(句子结构多样)和word choice should be appropriate(措辞贴切得体),评分者的审查角度是lexical or grammar errors(词汇和语法错误)以及the complexity of sentence structures(句子结构的复杂程度)和the quality and complexity of your vocabulary(考生所使用的词汇的质量和复杂程度)。接下来李盛老师分别先从语法错误、措辞和句子结构三个方面来探讨备考过程中应该注意的事项:
首先是lexical or grammar errors:
任何一种语言考试都强调语言表达的准确性,在2010年1月之后,ETS在独立写作部分中加入了e-rater的评分模式。电脑系统评分无疑对考生的语法词汇表达的正确性提出了更高的要求。在2009年1月份ETS发布的Evaluating the Construct -Coverage of the e-rater® Scoring Engine中,明确指出e-Rater会关注的四大语言层面:Grammar(Proofread this, Ill-formed Verbs, Pronoun Errors, Possessive Errors, Wrong or Missing Words, Sentence Structure包括:Fragments, Run-ons, Garbled Sentences, Subject-verb agreement), Usage(Article Errors, Confused Words, Incorrect Word Forms, Faulty Comparisons, Nonstandard verbs or word forms), Mechanics(Spelling, Capitalization包括Proper Nouns和Sentence-Initial, Punctuation包括Missing Question Marks, Missing Final Punctuation, Missing Comma or Apostrophe和Hyphen Error, Fused Words, Compound Words, Duplicated Words)和Style(Repetition of Words, Inappropriate Words or Phrases, Too Many Sentences Beginning with Conjunction...