如何有效提高托福听力? 我们试试使用全新的词块法来提高托福听力水平。
我们换个角度来谈听力,不谈语音,不谈词汇,不谈技巧,从逻辑思维这一层来分析,在单词都能听懂的情况下,如何提高理解力。我要给大家介绍的方法是语言学习中的词块法(lexical chunks),运用到听力里面,称之为语块听力法。
在语言学上,对语块的定义是这样的:"Chunks" refers to language that occurs in (semi-) fixed units and that we usually learn as one piece. Collocations, fixed expressions and idioms are all different kinds of chunks。(The TKT course) 听力的学习也离不开词组,孤零零地听单词只会像电脑翻译一样词不达意,提取关键信息也更加困难。单个的词和词组或许能拼凑出大概的意思,但是没有结构的句子只是词汇与词组的堆砌,堆到后面记忆混乱,听力成灾。只有让单词成群,词组成块,运用逻辑,听力才会清晰。听起来这似乎是很大的工作量,但是如果养成良好的思维习惯,让语块法内化,大脑便会自动对听力的句子进行切分组合,以达到快速准确地理解。今天我将从词组和句子两方面来与大家探讨如何运用词块法提高听力,例子取自TPO真题。
1. 词组,包括固定搭配,表达和习语等。
以固定搭配为例,即collocations。Collocations:words that regularly occur together。(The TKT course) 既然是固定的组合,那就要求大家积累,除了帮助听力理解,口语写作时也是极好的素材。
Student: Not really. I’m worried about other two people in my group. They are just sitting back, not really doing their fair share of the work and waiting for an A. It’s kind of stressing me out, because we are getting close to the deadline and I feel like I’m doing everything for this project。
Professor:Ah, the good old free rider problem。
Student:Free rider?
Professor:Ah, it’s just a term that describes this situation, when people in the group seek to get the benefits of being in a group without contributing to the work。
Q. Why does the professor mention the ‘free-rider&rs...