以OG Practice Set 4 (Aggression)中的第8题为例:
The Cognitive Approach. Cognitive psychologists assert that our behavior is influenced by our values, by the ways in which we interpret our situations, and by choice. For example, people who believe that aggression is necessary and justified – as during wartime – are likely to act aggressively, whereas people who believe that a particular war or act of aggression is unjust, or who think that aggression is never justified, are less likely to behave aggressively.
8. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
People who believe that they are fighting a just war act aggressively while those who believe that they are fighting an unjust war do not.
People who believe that aggression is necessary and justified are more likely to act aggressively than those who believe differently.
People who normally do not believe that aggression is necessary and justified may act aggressively during wartime.
People who believe that aggression is necessary and justified do n...