complement |
complete; consummate; make perfect; N. |
complementary |
serving to complete something |
compliance |
conformity in fulfilling requirements; readiness to yield; disposition to yield to others; V. comply |
compliant |
readily acting in accordance with a rule, order, or the wishes or others; yielding; comforming to requirements |
complicity |
participation; involvement (in a questionable act or a crime) |
component |
element; ingredient |
comport |
bear one's self; behave; Ex. comport oneself; N. comportment |
compost |
mixture of decaying organic matter used as fertilizer; V: put or make compost |
composure |
mental calmness |
compound |
combine; produce by combining; increase; make worse by adding to or increasing; exacerbate; Ex. compound an error; ADJ: consisting of two or more parts; N: combination of two or more parts; area enclosed by a wall containing a group of buildings; |
comprehend <... |
flowery |
full of flowers; full of ornate expressions |
fluctuate |
waver; shift; rise and fall as if in waves; change or vary irregularly |
fluency |
smoothness of speech; ADJ. fluent |
fluke |
unlikely occurrence; stroke of fortune; accidental stroke of good luck; ADJ. fluky |
flush |
redden; blush; flow suddenly and abundantly; wash out by a rapid brief flow of water; N: reddish tinge; blush; brief rush; rush of strong feeling; Ex. flush of pride; ADJ: having surfaces in the same plane; even; blushing |
fluster |
confuse; make nervous and confused; N. |
fluted |
having vertical parallel grooves (as in a pillar); V. flute: make long parallel inward curves in; N. flute: long rounded groove incised on the shaft of a column |
flutter |
(of a bird with large wings) wave (the wings) lightly, rapidly, and irregularly; vibrate rapidly or erratically; fly by waving quickly; flitter; N. |
flux |
flowing; series of c... |
arbiter |
person with power to decide a matter in dispute; judge who is in a position ot make influential judgments; Ex. supreme arbiter of fashion in beachware |
arbitrary |
unreasonable or capricious; random; tyrannical; Ex. arbitrary ruler |
arbitrate |
act as judge (at the request of both sides) |
arboreal |
of or living in trees |
arboretum |
place where different trees and shrubs are studied and exhibited |
arcade |
a covered passageway usually lined with shops |
arcane |
esoteric; secret; mysterious; known only to the initiated; Ex. arcane ritual; Ex. arcane process closed to the uninitiated listener |
arch- |
chief; first; Ex. archbishop |
archaeology |
study of artifacts and relics of early mankind |
archaic |
antiquated; no longer used; belonging to the past; N. |
archetype |
prototype; primitive pattern |
archipelago |
group of closely ... |
aspire |
seek to attain (position or status); long for; Ex. aspire to become president; Ex. aspire to/after the leadership |
assail |
assault |
assay |
analyze (to discover what materials are present); evaluate (soil or ore) |
assent |
agree; accept; N. assessment |
assert |
state strongly or positively; demand recognition of (rights, claims, etc.); make a claim to (by forceful action); Ex. assert one's independence |
assiduous |
diligent |
assimilate |
absorb; take (food) into the body and digest it; understand (knowledge) completely and be able to use properly; cause to become homogeneous (the people of a country or race in the wasy of behaving or thinking) |
assuage |
mak less severe; ease or lessen (pain); satisfy (hunger); soothe (anger) |
assumption |
something taken for granted; the taking over or taking possession of; Ex. her assumption of power; V. assume |
assurance |
firm statement that something is certainly true; promise or pledge... |
circumspect |
prudent; cautious; acting after careful thought |
circumvent |
outwit; defeat by behaving more cleverly; outsmart; baffle; avoid; get around |
cistern |
reservoir or water tank |
citadel |
fortress |
cite |
quote; commend; Ex. cited for bravery in an official record |
civil |
having to do with citizens; not military or religious; courteous and polite; Ex. married in a civil ceremony; Ex. civil strife/disorder/law; N. civility; CF. civic |
clairvoyant |
having foresight; fortuneteller; N. clairvoyance |
clamber |
climb by crawling with difficulties; scramble |
clamor |
loud continous noise; continuous demand or complaint made by a large number of people; V: make a clamor; express (a demand) continually and loudly; ADJ. clamorous |
comestible |
something fit to be eaten |
comeuppance |
deserts; well-deserved punishment or misfortune; rebuke |
comity |
courtesy; civility; Ex. comity of nations |
commandeer |
take (private property) for military use without needing permission or giving payment; draft for military purposes |
commemorate |
honor the memory of; serve as a memorial to; Ex. commemorate the 100th anniversary/those who died in the war |
commemorative |
remembering; honoring the memory of; Ex. commemorative stamp |
commensurate |
equal in extent; of the same size |
commiserate |
feel or express pity or sympathy for |
commodious |
spacious and comfortable |
commonplace |
ordinary; N: something ordinary or common; trite remark |
commonwealth |
nation governed by the people; republic; people of a nation |
communal |
held in common; public; of a group of people; of a comm... |
enormity |
hugeness (in a bad sense); excessive wickedness; Ex. enormity of the crime; ADJ. enormous |
enrapture |
please intensely; fill with rapture and delight |
ensconce |
settle comfortably; place comfortably (in a secure place) |
ensue |
follow (as a result) |
entail |
make necessary; require; necessitate; involve; limit the inheritance of (property) to a specified succession of heirs; Ex. entail A on/upon B |
enterprise |
willingness to take new ventures; initiative; business organization; plan (that is difficult or daring); Ex. their latest enterprise to sail round the world in a small boat |
enterprising |
full of initiative; showing enterprise |
enthrall |
capture; enslave; captivate; hold the complete attention of (as if magic); hold spellbound |
entice |
lure; persuade to do (something wrong); attract; tempt |
entity |
real beingwww.ExamW.CoM |
entomology |
study of insects |
corollary |
natural consequence (which naturally follows from something else) |
coroner |
public official who investigates any death thought to be of other than natural causes |
corporeal |
bodily (rather than spiritual); of a bodily form; material; tangible |
corpulent |
very fat; N. corpulence |
corpus |
collection (of writings or information); Ex. the corpus of Shakespear's works; Cf. corpse |
corpuscle |
red or white cell in the blood |
correlate |
either of the correlated things; V. |
correlation |
mutual relationship |
corroborate |
confirm; support; strengthen |
corrode |
destroy or wear away gradually by chemical action (over a long period) |
corrosive |
eating away by chemicals or disease; (of language) fierce |
corrugated |
wrinkled; ridged |
cosmic |
pertaining to the universe; vast ... |
abrasive |
rubbing away; tending to grind down |
abridge |
condense or shorten |
abrogate |
abolish |
abscission |
cutting off; separation |
abscond |
depart secretly and hide |
absolute |
complete; totally unlimited; having complete power; certain; not relative; Ex. absolute honesty/ruler; CF. absolutism |
absolve |
pardon (an offense) |
abstain |
refrain; withhold from participation; intentionally not use one's vote; |
abstemious |
sparing in eating and drinking; temperate |
abstinence |
restraint from pleasant things, esp. eating or drinking; CF. abstention: act of abstaining from vote |
abstract |
theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational |
abstruse |
obscure; profound; difficult to understand |
abusive |
coarsely insulting; physically harmful |
abut |
asymmetric |
not identical on both sides of a dividing central line |
atavism |
resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents; reversion to an earlier type; throwback; ADJ. atavistic |
atheistic |
denying the existence of God; N. atheism |
atone |
make amends for; pay for; Ex. atone for |
atrocity |
brutal deed; ADJ. atrocious |
atrophy |
wasting away; V: weaken and lose flesh and muscle (through lack of blood or lack of use) |
attentive |
alert and watchful; listening carefully; paying attention; considerate; thoughtful; politely helpful; Ex. attentive audience; Ex. He was attentive to the old lady; N. attentions: act of courtesy and consideration |
attenuate |
make thin; weaken |
attest |
testify; bear witness |
attire |
clothe; N: clothing; array; apparel |
attribute |
essential quality; V: ascribe; explain |
attrition |
rubbing away b... |