托福口语是难点,考官面前说不出,言语不详? 以下出国留学网为您收集了《2014托福口语之最喜欢观看的节目范文》,帮助您了解考试信息,请访问出国留学网浏览更多信息。
The one that I personally admire the most is a character named Alan Shore in a TV series called Boston Legal. Maybe you have heard about it. This character has changed my definition of what a perfect man is and what characteristics one should hopefully possess. He is decent, a man of his word, one of the very few that I regard as having a strong sense of justice. Yet he is not bound up by the rules and knows when to break them to achieve the ultimate good. And he is interesting and eloquent, all the things that I desire to have. (103 words)