Writer-turned-director Guo Jingming brings his series of adaptations of his own Shanghai-set romance novels to a close.
Catfights, cancer, corporate conspiracies, cosmetic surgery: Chinese novelist-turned-filmmaker Guo Jingming has thrown in everything but the kitchen sink in Tiny Times 4.0, the latest and final installment in his tetralogy of adaptations of his novels about the fluctuating friendships among four young women in modern-day Shanghai.
Just like his characters, however, Guo seems to have not matured into his new artistic calling: despite being flanked by two "executive directors," he remains completely at a loss in adapting his material to the constraints of the film medium. He simply doesn't do structure and subtlety, as is evident in the awkwardly reshot and re-edited scenes aimed at reducing the presence of the drug-busted and black-listed actor Kai Ko.
The myriad cracks in the previous installments have largely been papered over by Guo's near-maximalist representation of material ...