教学的艺术不在于传授的本领,而在于激励、唤醒、鼓舞。In the teaching of art is not impart ability, but inspire, awaken and inspire.下面是由出国留学网小编为大家整理的“英语教师座右铭”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。
1. 想让生命辉煌,就别浪费青春。
To make life brilliant, don't waste your youth.
2. 要把阳光洒向教室的每个角落。
Sprinkle sunshine to to every corner of the classroom.
3. 在教育中守望快乐,享受幸福。
Watch happy in education, enjoy happiness.
4. 要做孩子的老师,先做孩子的朋友。
Do your child's teacher, do the child's friend first.
5. 让学生张扬个性,放飞想象的春天。
Let the student individuality, spring release imagination.
6. 最有价值的知识是关于方法的知识。
The most valuable knowledge is knowledge of the way.
7. 牵着孩子们的手,快乐地迎接每一天!
Holding the hand of the children, happy to meet every day!
Tolerance is not indulgence, induction, rather than command.