1) 以报考建筑/艺术/设计类的学校来说,硬件条件(GPA,GRE,TOEFL)达标固然重要,但一般学院(faculty)对此要求比较低,倒是学校的研究生院(graduate school)要求比较高。如果同学们样样出色,只差语言,学院一般会再给机会重考GRE, TOEFL。
2) CV,PS和作品集是决定性关键,在这方面同学们需要最多指导。提早策划,可以用个暑假之类的把CV的内容突击冲上去。PS切忌泛泛之谈,以前帮很多师弟妹评过PS,多数中国人都缺乏以英文写出touching, sincere and impressive之故事的能力。PS要充分表现出你的个人精神,让他们读完PS后就好像已经成为最疼你的那位叔叔朋友,他非常想给机会你这个年青有为有思考的小朋友一个成就自我的机会。你要说服他们如果今年只收一个中国人,那你就是最会无限发挥这个机会的那个人。
3) 外国老师会认真读推荐信,写推荐信的老师本身水平重要,老师是否对学生有深入了解和描述也很重要。
4) 没有推荐的一般套磁基本上美国顶级大学教授不会回复。
5) 如何争取奖学金(Scholarship),奖项(Awards),跳级(Advance Placement),助教职位(Teaching assistant positions)统统都有技巧。最基本要做的就是当拿到offer后便开始打电话给对方科系的graduate school coordinator和graduate school office磨他们,告诉他们你很穷,但很努力,希望他们帮你尽量解决财政方面的负担,无论是给奖金好还是推荐你做助教好。graduate school coordinator的权力很大,感动了他就好说话了。而且每年总有很多人放弃offer读别的学校,在这样的乱世总能拦到一点本来属于别人的补助。但注意别还没进门就把graduate school coordinator烦疯了,得罪了他日后也不会有什么好处。其他具体小窍门每间学校不同,有机会再详做介绍。
Master in Architecture I (MArch I), Professional Degree
The program leading to the Master in Architecture as an accredited professional degree is intended for individuals who have completed the bachelor‘s degree with a major other than one of the design professions or with a preprofessional undergraduate major in one of the design professions. The course of study is rigorous and comprehensive, preparing graduates for the full range of professional activities in the field of architecture. It provides a solid intellectual base of knowledge in history, theory, technology, the social environment, and professional practice. Particular emphasis is given to developing mastery of design through an intensive series of design studio courses. As part of the process of developing independent thinking and resolving design issues, students are required to prepare a design thesis to serve as a transition from graduate school to professional practice. To attain registration for professional practice after completion of the degree, a candidate must complete an internship in an architectural office and pass a registration examination. Many students partially complete their internships during the summer while in graduate school.
Master in Architecture II (MArch II), Postprofessional Degree
The program leading to the Master in Architecture as a postprofessional degree is intended for individuals who have completed a five-...