一、The Elements of Success成功的因素
I don’t believe that there is any one recipe for success. Instead, I believe success is the result of a combination of a lot of different factors - and not all of them are needed for success. The more factors you have on your side, the more likely you are to succeed, and positive attitude is just one of those factors. Here are seven additional factors that are also important。
A strong body of knowledge about the area in which you wish to succeed is often one of the key building blocks of success. You can build this by pushing yourself - read and try out the foundational materials and push yourself into challenging areas to build your knowledge。
Natural talent
Some people are born with a predisposition to succeed in certain areas. Find this out for yourself by trying a lot of different activities and seeing what comes easy to you. The things you do with little or no effort that genuinely impress others are likely very near your natural talent, and natural talent combined with a lot of hard work leads to greatness。
Clear goals and planning
Much like a trip, it’s a lot easier to get where you want to go if you know where you’re going and spend the time to plan the route you’ll take to get there....
Write an essay of 160200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should
1) describe the drawing briefly,
2) explain its intended meaning, and then
3) state your point of view.
You should write neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)
It is a thought-provoking cartoon, in which numerous people are crowding on earth. The drawing aims to alarm us that resources on earth are far from enough to sustain our exploding population.
It goes without saying that this message is very true. The 20th century has not only witnessed a huge hike in population, but also the emergence of crises resulting from fighting for restricted resources. Take crude oil for example, it is so immensely consumed in daily life and industrial production that its role is fundamental in today’s global economic and political stage. People of different nations even initiate wars to obtain more oil fields, an activity which can be best exemplified by the complicated scenario in the Middle East. Other examples include more disputes over the sharing of water resources, as well as the lack of food and other necessities in most African countries.
Indeed, a large population with limited resources casts a shadow on mankind’s future existence in this planet. Th...
Study the photo carefully and write an essay in which you should
1. describe the photo briefly,
2. state different views on the issue and
3. give your point of view.
You should write 160-200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)
What the drawing is trying to express is very conspicuous! The eyecatching scene depicted has become a common sight on college campuses in recent years. Speculating about the stock market is no longer a new thing among college students and continues to become more popular. A kind of stock trading league has even been set up at several universities.
However, should a university student invest in the stock market? Just as every coin has two sides, there are also two sides to a student’s decision to invest and trade in the stock market. On the negative side, following the stock market is very time-consuming, and, as a student’s main priority is to study, may undermine academic pursuits. Furthermore, students often do not have the financial means to take on large ventures in the stock market, and thus could hardly withstand potential losses. On the other hand, if stock market investment is economically feasible for the student, it is a different story. Assuming one can manage his or her time well enough to kee...