The exam was a minefield of tricky questions, each one designed to catch the unwary studen~~你也对类似的句子感兴趣吗?以下“考试场景语录(精品96句)”由出国留学网为大家收集整理,相信你能找到对自己有用的内容。
1、The tension was mounting as the clock on the wall ticked ever onwards.
2、Nervous students fidgeted in their chairs, their eyes trained on their papers.
3、As the exam commenced, the students nervously fidgeted in their seats, their pencils poised to capture every ounce of knowledge they had accumulated over the past semester.
4、The student's heart raced with anticipation as the teacher handed out the exam papers.
5、The only noise was the sound of erasers scrubbing away frantically at mistakes.
6、The students sat nervously at their desks, their pencils poised to begin the exam.
7、The pressure was on to perform, and everyone knew it.
8、The exam was like a maze, with each question leading to another trap.
9、The students were like athletes, pushing themselves to their limits in the pursuit of success.
11、The hum of the air conditioning provided a low, calming background noise.
12、The students worked their way through the exam one question at a time, like mountaineers scaling a steep cliff.
13、The room was filled with an anxious energy, as students strained to recall what they had learned.
14、The silence in the exam hall was deafening as students scratched away at...